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My new Husband and I are taking our two plastic scooters in our Motorcycle trailer and heading to the Robbinsville area in NC to go scooter riding for our honey moon.
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We are having trouble finding pet friendly hotels. Anybody got any suggestons?
We have a nice trip planned out that takes us from Liberty, NY to Floyd, Virginia, to North Carolina and then to the east coast of Florida.

We will be leaving all of our pets with a pet sitter but bringing one of our special needs pets (he's 11 lbs) with us.

We have found plenty of places that seem very ok with our pick up truck and motorcycle trailer. My eyes hurt from using travelocity and priceline at this point so I thought I'd turn to the forum for suggestions.
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Cody, one of the board members stayed at at a cabin that allowed pets.He's surfan on the board. The cabin was nice and real close to the Dragon.Might want to search for cabin rentals if you can't get in touch with him.
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Hi Cat,

I've used the following website to find pet friendly hotels on our travels: http://www.petswelcome.com

@catskill avatar

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spartan1984 wrote:
Hi Cat,

I've used the following website to find pet friendly hotels on our travels: http://www.petswelcome.com

Thank you, very much Barry!
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you might e-mail these folks

@torino avatar

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Motel 6's are pet friendly
@catskill avatar

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messycoloring wrote:
you might e-mail these folks

Thanks Torino...Oliver is emailing them right now.
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@spartan1984 avatar

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catskillnyrider wrote:
spartan1984 wrote:
Hi Cat,

I've used the following website to find pet friendly hotels on our travels: http://www.petswelcome.com

Thank you, very much Barry!
You are very welcome and best of luck

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I don't know if they allow pets, but check with Fontana Village.


It's in the middle of the Gap at the TN / NC border. Beautiful area and a nice hotel. Be sure to check out the Fugitive Dam (used in the movie) and Fontana Dam (tallest dam east of the Rockies). Also find the Cherohala Skyway just outside of Robbinsville. A more relaxed drive than the Dragon and with better scenery. Not dissing the Dragon, but a change of pace is nice.


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Oh yeah... don't forget Foothills Parkway, which turns off of 129 just before entering the Dragon from the TN side. It's a very nice scenic drive without much traffic. The other end comes out just east of Marysville and leads to Pigeon Forge & Gatlinburg. Be sure to stop at the observation tower at Look Rock.
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LotusMike wrote:
I don't know if they allow pets, but check with Fontana Village.


It's in the middle of the Gap at the TN / NC border. Beautiful area and a nice hotel. Be sure to check out the Fugitive Dam (used in the movie) and Fontana Dam (tallest dam east of the Rockies). Also find the Cherohala Skyway just outside of Robbinsville. A more relaxed drive than the Dragon and with better scenery. Not dissing the Dragon, but a change of pace is nice.

Thanks for tips on Both. I was keeping the Cherhala as a plan for one of the days. I found Fontana Village but Travelocity says theres no rooms available for the dates we will be there. I did look nice though.

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I can't remember the name of the resort/cabins that are at the end/bottom of the Dragon. It's small, but it looks like they are not very picky. Also, I have found many times that a place shows having nothing available on Travelocity, but when I go to their website or call them on the phone, they have availability.

I have done the Dragon in my BMW Z3 (convertible). I bet it will be awesome on a scooter. Remember to wear your gear, especially with the wet roads and the crazy sport bikers there. There is very little margin for error.

My husband just remembered. It's www.dealsgap.com. It's the gas station/motel/cabins at the bottom of the dragon. Can't tell if they allow pets or not. It looks like they have camping too.

Have fun.
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First of all congratulations and best wishes...newly weds on their scoots, with their pets on their honeymoon! ...this is coming from a family of six cats...

Secondly, while I really can't add to the list of recommendations...I just want to compliment you all for helping another MV'er out...really neat how people will rally around folks who ask for help ain't it? I've also noticed a strong bond amongst pet owners...by the way check out the Gallery under Worlds Famous Pets and post yours...you'll also get to see out six cats!

Cat, You be safe on your trip...give Oliver a kiss for me...he's a cute one!
@catskill avatar

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Thank you TB!

Well I think we might just can the deals gap/tail of the dragon and stick to the Cherohala Sky way and other less competetive roads through out North Carolina and Tennessee.

Heard enough from other scooter forums about how basically, unless you get there early on a weekday it's hard to avoid the sport bike riders looking to cheat death. There's also apparently some :? Miata Rally going on while we will be there and a Girl Sport Bike Rally. Not that I have anything agianst Miatas or Girls on Sport Bikes but...not exactly how I want my Obituary to Read

"Jess Gocke, died doing what she loved...riding her scooter....if it weren't for that damn Miata we would have been able to have an open casket"

We finalized our purchase of our new 7 X 14 Motorcycle Trailer yesterday. Woo Hoo! Took a while to find one in silver that matches our pickup truck. Funny thing is my brother found it in North Carolina while he was there racing his race cars last weekend....so he towed it up from North Carolina and we're towing it right back down there. Laughing emoticon

We're leaving tonight to spend Friday and Saturday in Floyd, Virginia.Floyd fest must be some event because it took about 15 trys to get a hotel room and it's 1/2 hour outside floyd in Christiansburg...Lesson learned, when planning your honey moon-call extra early when there's a week long music festival in the town you are staying in. The nice thing about this inconvenience is we get to ride our scooters there! I'm bringing my Banjo too! Floyd and the surrounding area is known for it's Blue Grass music and Music lovers! I really couldn't have asked for a cooler way to kick off a 10 day vacation and I wouldn't have found out about it with out the recommendation from a fellow scooter rider on another scooter forum!
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