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2008 GTS 250ie
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@yelgib avatar
2008 GTS 250ie
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Ready to purchase this mod, and have seen pictures of the clear flyscreen on a GTS. Looking for a picture of a silver in color GTS 250 with the official Vespa smoked flyscreen installed. Before I have the smoked shipped in from overseas (as official Vespa flyscreens in smoke are not available in the U.S.) I would love to see how it looks on a scoot first. Thank you in advance!
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2008 GTS 250ie
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2008 GTS 250ie
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-bump- in hopes of a response.
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Molto Verboso
Blue 70th anniversary Vespa GTS 300
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Molto Verboso
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Blue 70th anniversary Vespa GTS 300
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Sorry, can't popst a pic as I don't have one , but have seen said screen on a silver GTS250 in a dealers and it looks very nice. I'm even toying with the idea of asking if they'll swap my clear one to go on my blue GTS!!!!
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