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Well I was totally set on the scarabeo 200. Even applied for financing and im set to go. But i read every once in a while that they have all sorts of 'problems'.

I need to ask a stupid question. What do 'problems' really mean? It's a brand new bike with a 12 month warranty. I know how to turn a wrench (i replaced a head gasket, belt, variator, and bled the brakes on my old kymco that I dont have anymore). Is it really going to be a huge pain in the butt, or just minor things? I don't really mind the 'poor acceleration' from 0-10mph, and things like that which seem to be common annoyances on the scoot. I just don't want any CATASTROPHIC failures that set me back like 700 bucks.

Aren't these scooters that are designed by reputable companies like piaggio, aprilia, etc supposed to be very well engineered machines?

More specifically, does anyone know if these problems were solved with the 2009 scarabeo 200?

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a friend has a brand new beo 200 and so far after 4 months the only things that went wrong is that the turn signals switch broke and the fan stopped working causing the bike to overheat a little. Both problems were fixed by the dealer with no fuss and the dealer said the fan issue was just a weird problem that does not normaly happen.

He loves this bike and swears by it. I have ridden it and love it. I have owned a number of different bikes and cars and have always ran into a few problems here and there. which you will get with machines with moving parts.

I say get it, you won't regret it

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Well that is what I was hoping to hear.

I was about to say screw it and get a people s 200, but I really didn't want to get a kymco. The scarabeo really seems to fit the bill. 19hp, great looks, dual discs, for 3499 otd.
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My husband has a scarabeo 250 '04. He loves it.

I'm not sure if the 2009 is the same..... if it is I would suggest getting a top box, since there is no pet carrier (underseat storage).
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There are lots of those Scarabeo 200's in Toronto. I'd say there are very few problems with them overall.
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epanarese wrote:
Well that is what I was hoping to hear.

I was about to say screw it and get a people s 200, but I really didn't want to get a kymco. The scarabeo really seems to fit the bill. 19hp, great looks, dual discs, for 3499 otd.
Is there sales tax where you are from? I was looking to get a Scab 200, but the OTD price was too high and the dealer wouldn't budge. So I got a used Vespa instead!

I really liked the look of the Aprilia though.
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And this is new Scaraboe 200 ie
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200ie looks much like the 500ie.

I've owned a kymco and loved it, but the 'Beo seems just a little bit sturdier. Of course the parts are also a LOT more expensive Razz emoticon.
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I put 20k miles on mine..... Problems where hose leak from radiator.... Stuck thermostat at around the 17k mark.... And a broken belt around the 12k mark because I fail to change at 8. Where the first 2 was zero cost and the third was around the $300 with the tow.... I miss my scarabeo 200cc 2008 everyday. So sorry I had to sell.... Someday I get another Crying or Very sad emoticon
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skully93 wrote:
200ie looks much like the 500ie.

I've owned a kymco and loved it, but the 'Beo seems just a little bit sturdier. Of course the parts are also a LOT more expensive Razz emoticon.
With one difference: 200 has a flat floor. I know i'm weird, but significant floor ridge is an absolute deal-breaker for me. Bevs and big Beos are spiffy scoots, but I personally would never own one. I HAVE to have that flat cargo area for all the shit I haul around...

'09 Yamaha Zuma(sold), '06 Kymco People 250(sold), '08 Aprilia Scarabeo 500ie (wrecked), '09 Buddy Italia, '12 Vespa 300
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That is a relevant observation. It's totally fine for trips at >an hour, but after that it not being able to shuffle your feet significantly can be annoying.
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I have a 2009 Scarabeo 200.....It had the carb recall, had to get it fixed twice....Speedo pickup failed, the fuel float senor failed, have cracks in the plastic.....the S in Scarabeo fell off form the side panel, it leaks oil....the clutch needs cleaning about every 1000 miles.....it was missing 2 bolts when I bought it new.....Yes, I got a great deal on it, but it was full of problems....Not one of Piaggio's better scoots, made in China......
After an hour, your ass is really sore, not much padding in the seat.....I am really thinking of one of those rubber blow up seat pads for my not so iron butt!
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