VLBJS1 wrote:
I know I might get shot for saying this...but I wasn't all that impressed with the SS180 up close. Only the motor and wider rims make that scoot in my opinion. They just look like my Sprint..so no big deal to me. It was me, I would be saving up my coin for a GS 160
I used to think the same thing ....but once you really, really spend some time with an SS180, it doesn't look anything like a sprint anymore.
I was out driving my SS180 last weekend, and some kids pass me at a light in a pickup truck, giving me the finger. I swear i heard one yell "Nice Sprint, FAGGOT!". I mean, i could see the "faggot" part, as there was a cock in my mouth at the time.. but, SPRINT?! come on... bunch of model-confusing philistines.