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I know many of us started on bicycles or continue to ride bicycles so I thought I'd ask here. I'm currently in the market for a "comfort" bike. I don't know if that is what they are still referred to or not but I'm basically looking for an upright bike with a comfortable seat. I currently have 3 bikes that I've "outgrown". If anyone can direct me to a site that I can check out what's available before I hit the stores. My "current" ride is a Gary Fisher "Hoo Koo E Koo"- that's it's real name!! Great bike but just a bit uncomfortable for my aging body. If anyone has a favorite I'd love to hear about it. I do want to get something decent, but not high-end.

I gotta get back into shape.

Thanks- Bob
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This will give you what you want and is a good "comfort" bike to ride.
Then go and do your research and price comparisons.

I've ridden 10 speed racing bikes, 21-speed moutain bikes, however the Beach Cruisers and basic and comfortable to ride.

Keep in mind that if using for exercise...there is stress on the knee. To get may cardio in I use a stationary recumbent bike...boring but doesn't wear down the cartlidge in my knees (Dr. recommended after an MRI).
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TB- Thanks for the tip. My wife and I saw a couple of nice looking Cannondales last weekend. I thought I heard that Cannondale went out of business. I guess I'm wrong because I just checked their website and they're still around. I'm going to look around and see who sells them around where I live. I tore my achilles tendon a little over a year ago so I know I have to be careful.
I might take the Gary Fisher out and see how things go in the meantime.

It's soooooo much easier to hop on the scooter though!
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My dad just bought an Electra Townie. He's got knee problems but wanted a comfy way to bip around town in comfort. Should be on the site recommended a few posts above this one.
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Vic Mackey wrote:
I tore my achilles tendon a little over a year ago so I know I have to be careful. It's soooooo much easier to hop on the scooter though!
I know what it's like....tweaked my knee several years ago and it was getting better and then it went "pop" and swelled up and actually felt better...checked it out and had MRI done. Dr. said nothing was really wrong and couldn't figure it out...told him that I believe the meniscus in my knee was probably out of line and the "pop" actually fixed it. Dr. said possibly correct...but then indicated another issue (found out during the MRI)...thinning of cartlidge in my knee. Told me to stop walking and stop walking while playing golf...I used to walk 18 holes and go out to meet my wife and walk her back home (5 miles)...don't golf as much but still like to walk...hence the use of recumbent bike for the cardio...boring! BTW...if I don't take care of it...it's potential arthritis and possible knee replacement...

Regardless, please make sure your tendon is O.K. if you watch your pedaling tech. and you're "ankleing" properly (I know this doesn't sound right) there could be some stetching / stress placed on tendon. You don't want to make it worst...check it out...
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check out Nirve..I just got one for my better half because she said the mountain bike was too hard on her body..I've ridden the Nirve around and it's super comfy..We got hers at Performance Bike..
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Look into the Trek 7000-series of hybrid bikes if you are looking for something a little more serious than a beach cruiser. I find my 7300 much, MUCH more comfortable than my MTB. Otherwise, a cruiser is probably a decent way to go - love the looks of 'em.
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Thanks for the additional tips. I didn't get a chance to take out my current ride- got saved by the rain!! . After doing a bit of research on the net I'm going to check out the Trek, a Gary Fisher, and a Cannondale. There are two dealers nearby that sell these. I'm going to sell my two road bikes.

p.s. My doctor actually encouraged me to get back on a bike. He knows I used to ride quite a bit.

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I had a 7 speed bianchi for a while.
Nice ride.
Heres this years 3 speed.
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My wife and I recently got Haro Heartland Express LE bikes from our local bike shop. I went in to look at Cannondales, but the bike shop guy recommended the Haro. Said it was as good or better for less $. We love our bikes. Check them out.

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As a huge cyclist, I would stick with the Bianchi or the Haro. Cannondale is very alive, its just that they use stiff aluminum on most of their bikes.
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Gaint's "Seek" line of bikes it nifty...no too expensive either.
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Vic, Check this site out...it was posted on a post concering baskets to mount on our scoots...good bicycling acessories including baskets...


...kinda got me to thinking about bicycling again...really enjoyed it!
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