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on my 97 ET4. The dash lights don't work, but the signal, petrol and brake lights do. I located the fuse box but am still none the wiser. Can a bulb blowing short the whole system? The scoot cut out when the lights failed and I had to start it up again in traffic. I am going to take it to service but worry bout getting fleeced.

Whaddya I dooooo?

Ps: I'm new here! Hello everybody
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The Hornet (GT200, aka Love Bug) and 'Dimples' - a GTS 300
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Hiya Specs, welcome.

A fuse going could be the cause (there is one just for the lights you report duff) - they can 'just die', though this is unlikely. More likely a wire has been trapped somewhere and has chafed through. Check the fuses - if one looks as though it has died a violent death then start hunting the trapped wire.
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I checked some fuses (I think) next to the battery. one was green and one was amber. Is that them? Or are they somewhere else?

I am kind of resigned to having to take it in somewhere for a mechanic to fix, but I am terrified of a hefy bill
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Sadly I haven't got available a decent PDF of the wiring diagram - but there should be more than two fuses! If you ask nicely at a dealers where the fuses are, they can show you and that'll be a good start. I'm assuming you want to fix this as cheaply as possible.
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I am happy to pay, I just don't want to be ripped off. I am convinced my ignorance will coat me like a glossy sheen when I ride the scoot in to the mechanic I just don't want some chancer taking the thing apart and then lumping me with a bill for £200 or summat This is my first scooter. I've little mechanical knowledge (well of the scoot at least, though I struggle with simple maths and jigsaws at the best of times
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@jimc avatar
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Whereabouts in London are you? Maybe someone nearby can point out a reputable dealer, or help out. There are some dealers to avoid for service, so check here first!
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I'm in North London and work in the West End. There's a scooter place in Finchley I was condsiering, or scooterworks down Lambeth way. Or even a mobile mechanic. I would take reccomendations. I'm straight up, just naive
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pm for you i know a reputable mechanic in the brick lane area
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There are lights fuses behind the left hand legshield trim. Open the glovebox and remove the single screw and the black plastic will come off, revealing all.
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