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Left work today at 6.30pm to find my scooter had been towed away. I've been parking in the same spot for ages - under the arches next to Nuffield Gym (formerly Cannons Gym) behind Cannon St tube. Basically an alleyway with scooters & mototrbikes parked across each side. I realised there was a new sign that had been put up recently on one side which I hadn't seen before, right at the end. There were still several motorbikes parked there as there were this morning, except mine!

I went back to work, phoned the number from the sign and was told that my scooter had been towed away and was now in Swanley, Kent. The guy who was on a mobile and driving at the time told me the sign was new and had been put up in the past month (i reckon last week) - it would cost me £415 cash (as their card machine was broken). £125 for clamping, £250 for towing and £40 per day storage.

So basically I have to trek out to the middle of nowhere tomorrow morning between 9-12 with £415 cash to hand over to some dodgy guy in the middle of an industrial estate. Trains leave from Victoria but with Met, Jubilee & Victoria lines all out due to 'engineering work' i'm screwed!

If the guy decides to knife me and take the cash plus my scooter then the address is Unit 5, Mark Way, Swanley Kent.

Seriously though, any London-based members who used to park there - beware of the new sign and hopefully none of you will have to go through the same hassle as me.

Rant over and thanks for listening!

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WOW!.................That's a lot of money for parking in the wrong place. Sorry to hear of your misfortune.
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That is a complete joke.

I have no words of advice or wisdom to offer but I feel for you.

(wear a Kevlar vest )
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what a complete pain in the arse. i bet the sign was 6" x 6" and mounted about ten feet up a pole too
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So, what did the sign say?


Not being a smartass, but what was the exact wording on what we all know was a no parking sign? Violators will be towed? Parking by permit only? Parking for residents/business only? No two wheeled vehicles?

Finally, when did you really notice it?
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Take a picture and use the small claims court. Ask for a receipt and write on it that you are "paying under protest".
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That's just beyond a joke. Sorry Fella.

Bill X
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Have a look at www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk in the parking and offences forum. Theres a lot of legislation the clamping companies are required to comply with.

Valid Clamping?

Under the PSI Act and existing case law for clamping to be valid the following must be present or take place

1)There must be clear and prominent signs indicating a vehicle may be immobilised.
2)The signs should contain
a)A number at which an offer to pay the release fee can be made
b)The amount of the release fee (which should be reasonable)
3)Upon an offer to pay or payment being made the vehicle must be released in a reasonable amount of time
4)The person immobilising the vehicle must be licensed by the Security Industry Authority.
5)The person immobilising or releasing the vehicle must have their Security Industry Authority identification badge on display.
6)Upon payment a receipt must be issued. The receipt should contain the:
a)the name of the license holder
b)the signature of the license holder
c)the license holders SIA License number
d)the location where the vehicle was clamped or towed
e)the date when the vehicle was clamped or towed
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Might be worthwhile to protest...not sure if you'd be able to get you money returned...good luck.
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That sucks! Good luck in your efforts to get back you scoot and then your money.

You would think they'd need to to ticket you the first time and them tow if you repeated.
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That's simply horrible. I'm surprised they went staight to towing, but I honestly don't know UK regs.

At least here in the states there have been a number of incidents where towing companies have decided to enrich themselves by "enforcing" regulations somewhat beyond the law...that is, if the law is ticket, wait, then tow, they run around finding things to tow on their own that haven't actually been ticketed.

In this case though, if the place you were parking is private property, the property owner can call in a tow truck at will.

It does seem very, very high. Suggest you may want to check with whatever authority planted the sign.

I would be steamed too!
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Sign up to the torytax.com forums and have a rant there as well. You will find many supporters.
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Besides "signing under protest" make sure you check your scoot thoughly for any damages that may have occurred due to their improper towing. Take a digital camera with you to document before driving away.

Good luck.
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as a former tow driver and repo i feel for you.
man, that is some real underhanded shit... and 680us is just out-fucking-rageous for a pull.

jeeze when i get to the UK i'm walking everywhere!

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That is outrageous. In the good old days the police etc used to be there to protect us from criminals, these days they seem to make us into criminals or just rob us direct. I'm sure glad it wasn't me as I'm just not sure how I'd react.
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Re: So angry - need to vent!
mpthreebrit wrote:
£125 for clamping, £250 for towing and £40 per day storage.
Thats outrageous!
I think I'm in the wrong business.
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If it was private land, and the 'clamper' was properly registered, sadly it is totally legal.

For the present - this may change.
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Thanks for all your replies - they DID make me feel slightly better. Anyhow I have just returned from picking up my scoot. Luckily I didn't get knifed just a bad case of daylight robbery. It cost me £435 ($718) in total with train, cab & bus fares etc.

I started arguing with them as to why they had to clamp AND tow - as they admitted they towed straight away. They said they clamp first 'just in case' I return whilst they are towing and try to ride away. But basically as soon as the clamp is put on (£125) they load it into the tow truck (£250).

To add insult to injury they scratched up one of my wheels pretty badly with the clamp and I now have to write in and appeal. No doubt it will take 6 months to process and in the end they will claim the wheel was already scratched. I was planning on holding onto the cash until I inspected my scoot but the heavies wouldn't allow me near it until I had paid up. I was outnumbered and in a weak position. To be honest I just wanted to get the hell out of there in one piece.

I made a mistake in signing a document which they said I had to sign to confirm I had picked up the scoot - I only noticed the scratched wheel once I got home so I might have signed to say the scoot was in good condition when I picked it up. I know, a stupid mistake to make. All the more painful having received sound advice (thanks Yelgib) to check BEFORE riding off, but as I said, I just wanted to get the hell out of there.

Jeez, I hope you're all having better weekends than me![/quote]
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£435? That's not moral
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Again, what was the wording on the sign?
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NightWing wrote:
Again, what was the wording on the sign?
Can't remember the exact wording but will check again next week.
NightWing wrote:
Finally, when did you really notice it?
I first noticed it when i walked up and down the alleyway looking for my scooter. As I said before, both sides of the alleyway are used for parking and the sign has only gone up recently on one side.
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Call the cops and say it was stolen from someplace else.
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Definitely, you were charged excessively. I can't believe they can do that to you in London, but here you are telling us so it must be true. Hopefully you'll eventually obtain some degree of satisfaction regarding reimbursement for the scratched wheel.

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Holy crap! That's robbery!

How'd they tow your MP3?!?!
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VEZPA wrote:
Call the cops and say it was stolen from someplace else.
That wouldn't work as the police would just point out that the bike obviously hadn't been tampered with ie locks broken etc and then they'd charge you for wasting their time. Whether you can charge the tow people for daylight robbery is another question.
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Give me the address of the clamper. I'll come over there and set 'em straight!
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SteveinSac wrote:
Give me the address of the clamper. I'll come over there and set 'em straight!
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Thanks SteveinSac, if ever there was someone who needed 'setting straight' it would be these guys. Unfortunately clamping in the UK is quite a profitable business run by thugs.
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Ratboy wrote:
Holy crap! That's robbery!

How'd they tow your MP3?!?!
They used hydraulic jacks to lift it into a truck.
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MMM !!! bad things would happen to those people here!!! in the night!!!
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Bummer! I'm not immune to missing signs, but this case shows that it pays to actually look for them.

Here is what I would do:
Go to Kent and pick up the scooter. Try to negotiate right then and there with the following arguments:

a) Clamping for 125 is ursury. There is no way on earth they can prove that their cost plus a reasonable profit adds up to that number.

b) 250 for towing needs to be verified by you, depending on the distance and usual towing tariffs. If ursury, fight it as well

c) how much is 24 hour parking in London? I can't imagine it is as much as 40 pounds. So, why is it that much in the middle of nowhere? Ursury!

(Hint: In my country, ursury is illegal).

If they don't negotiate, pay the fee, and then fight it afterwards, in the equivalent to our small claims court, if you have any information that they are severely overcharging.

Finally, look for signs, everytime you park

Edit to add: I was obviously too late, so congrats for now on getting it back.

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towing, clamping, etc.
A few years ago, I was in Picadilly Circus and watched the coppers cutting bike locks and chains and then THROWING the bikes into the back of a truck. Most of the bikes were junk, but several were high dollar. I can't imagine that they weren't damaged by this handling.

Of particular interest was how fast Kryptonite locks yielded to a cutter connected to a foot pump- maybe 10 seconds! They threw a cloth over the cutter so particles wouldn't put anybody's eye out.

Made me realize that there is probably no thief-proof lock or chain out there that can be carried reasonably on a bike or scooter.

Nevertheless, if you park in a no parking zone, well, you pays your money, and you takes your chances.

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towing in california is a huge buisness, as greasy will agree.

we have regulated lots that are run by the police impound

we also have private companys that are hired by private property owners, pay parking lots and shady practices.

these private guys single out the exspensive cars/bikes first before they will tow an old vehicle.

600 bones is killable
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