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mp3 500
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Forgive me if someone's already figured this out and I'm jumping around like I discovered fire or something...

While I've always felt the Givi screen was by far the best match for the 500's styling, there were a couple of things I did not like about it: (1) the lower outer points would shake back and forth like it was trying to fly or something and (2) I felt the Givi wasn't erect enough to provide a good airfoil. I believe I've resolved both, it doesn't take more than 5 minutes to do and shouldn't cost you a dime -- well, maybe a dime...

Basically, I removed the "winged disk" fastening plate that holds the front bottom down. In its place, I simply drilled out the center hole in the airscreen (that gets covered by the Piaggio emblem) and screwed a M6 (I believe that's right) x 30mm hex machine screw right into the fastening hole on stock airscreen (this is the same fastening location that the "winged disk" bit would attach to). I removed the rubber gromets and caps on the lower screen attachment points which I'll probably cover with some regular old automotive hole caps.

The result, by dropping the front an inch or so is a steeper angle (and thereby higher airstream) and absolutely, positively NO WOBBLE on the edges. I did detect a slight note of plastic on plastic vibration every once in awhile, but nothing objectionable and something that can likely be addressed with some thin cushioning material in a few points up front.

Anyway, I couldn't be happier about how good and fast it turned out. I've attached a couple of phone pics below. And again, forgive me if this was discoved long ago. Enjoy!
"winged disk" the piece that got removed
"winged disk" the piece that got removed
side shot of lowered airscreen now in contact with stock body panels above the headlights
side shot of lowered airscreen now in contact with stock body panels above the headlights
looking down in between stock and Givi screens, where the "winged disk" has been replaced by a single machine screw
looking down in between stock and Givi screens, where the "winged disk" has been replaced by a single machine screw

2016 MP3 500 Sport
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2016 MP3 500 Sport
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Givi windshield attachment mod
Great idea! How does it affect windflow/wind noise? I've always suspected that much of the objectional wind I get from my Givi is going around the sides rather than over the top? Have you had a chance to give it a good test in various wind conditions?

mp3 500
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mp3 500
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I seriously just got the idea less than an hour ago, did the mod, and then went on a test run to the market to buy beer. I haven't had it at speed yet, but given the increased angle, rigidity and reduced gaps for wind to get through I'm hoping for noticeable improvement in noise and airflow.

It took me longer to photograph it and write it up than it took to do the mechanical work. Finally given that it took me exactly two beers to prepare the the posting on MV I'm, well, done riding for the day...
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I will try it when winter comes ( Givi off now in favor of my cut down Ermax till then), if your ride reports come back good.
No one has done this that I recall--good job!

mp3 500
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mp3 500
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I took it out this morning and there's definite noise and air stream improvement. It's not become a cone of silence by any means, but things are noticeably less turbulent.

Below is another photo with a better camera. The color strips indicate the points where the screen makes contact with the upper headlight housings. Notice I also capped off the lower attachment holes with black 1/2" nylon hole covers.

The hole caps cost 40 cents each and the M6x30mm machine screw was half a buck at the local ace hardware.

Happy weekend.
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Red Piaggio MP3 500
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Red Piaggio MP3 500
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Thank you was having the same issue the shield been shifting don't think the wingnut was tight enough.
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