Barely scooter related - It's harder to get my scooters into the garage now, and there're scooters in the picture. There. Otherwise, this post is not so much about scooters - sorry.
There's suddenly a lot less room in the garage. We kicked out (temporarily) the Honda to make room for the new ('1998)) S420 Benz. Thanks to the previous owners (who ate well over $60K in depreciation for 49K miles of use), I have a gas guzzler to counter the eco-benefits of driving the my Vespa (actually, the Benz is no worse than my ghetto Ford Exploder that I would also otherwise be driving when not on the Vespa).
I really like this car a lot, even if it is an old man car. We'll use it mostly for family road trips -- like a mini van. We're going on a big driving trip next week, and I will definately NOT miss the hard ass bumpy ride of the Honda and it's nastly tiny little seats at all! This is the best thing that's happened to me (vehicle wise) since buying the GTS 3 years ago!
Any other MB fans on MV?
The bad part is now the old Mustang (I've owned since 1984) has to go. It's a really solid car - no rust, 289, discs, factory air, toploader, 3:55 traction-lock, Shelby suspension, etc. I'll be sorry to see it go, but it's not a practical car (even if I hadn't let it sit there the last 12 years without starting it), and I'm not interested in fixing up cars that much any more.