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79 P200E (Ruby), 62 Allstate (B-62)
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Philos wrote:
Don't knock the hippy's or the vegans for that matter. When the shtf and we start eating each other, they'll be worth their weight in gold... especially the vegans being organic and grass fed 😛... tasty and population control in one easy dish lol
Reminds me of Soylet Green.....

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PureDrivenSnow wrote:
Frank N. Stein wrote:
I don't know if that was meant to be sarcastic, but it made me laugh anyway. Laughing emoticon And although you put it crudely, the gist is still correct.
We could change our behavior but that would involve personal sacrifice and that stuff is for hippies. So, blaming the poorest people who look the least like us makes sense.

Now how are we going to keep those populations down and the resources from them?
Don't knock the hippy's or the vegans for that matter. When the shtf and we start eating each other, they'll be worth their weight in gold... especially the vegans being organic and grass fed 😛... tasty and population control in one easy dish lol
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Populations of polar bears on the rise.

Pacific islands increasing in size.

the Earth is greener than it was 20 years ago

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