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@specs_murphy avatar
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For parking in London. I have an ET4 and have a chain already but I still feel the scoot is vulnerable. Should I install an alarm? can I get a dic lock thing? Any recomendations most welcome
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Molto Verboso
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Molto Verboso
@bluebuddha avatar
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Here's what I have that is pretty good:

A) Grip Lock
B) Guerilla Alarm (motion sensitive).
C) "Motorcycle club" lock- slips around the back tire.

The Alarm is easy to install yourself. Check out: motorcycle superstore.

Hope that helps. best of luck...
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Molto Verboso
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Molto Verboso
@bluebuddha avatar
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Oh, forgot...the piaggio "lock" is really reinforced and is a good lock to chain your bike up to a stationary item...
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