⚠️ Last edited by Jim L. on UTC; edited 1 time
It was my maiden cruise on my shiny black Vespa 300 GTS Super. I was going to a store to get some motorcycle gloves. Didn't want to tear up my hands if I ever hit the pavement. Five minutes after leaving the store I got to test them out. I was stopped at a red light when a pickup truck rear ended me and then fled the scene. Bike and I went airborne into the vehicle stopped in front of me and then into the high traffic intersection ahead. Interesting to me was that I was able to obtain the first three digits of the striking truck's tag number while I was still in the air. But then I hit the pavement before I could get the last three digits. Three vehicles that observed the accident chased after the truck and got the driver to pull over into an apartment complex. Driver got out apparently very drunk. When someone told him that he had just run over a "motorcyclist", he took off and fled on foot Cops impounded the truck but driver was long gone. Don't know if he was the truck's owner or not. Anyway, the scooter with 25.5 miles on the odometer is in sad shape and I got a little beat up myself. Cuts and abrasions to my right arm, shoulder, etc. from hitting and sliding on pavement. By the way, the gloves worked. From their looks, without them, I wouldn't have been typing for awhile. Pretty good purchase just in the nick of time. Now I wait to see if my bike gets fixed or trashed. I would think it would fix just fine except for a half inch chunk out of the left side of floor board. I'll say one thing about the Vesta. It was a tough little thing that held up pretty well considering the size and weight of the truch vs. the Vespa. Tube and plastic scooter would have been completely crushed.
Jim ⚠️ Last edited by Jim L. on UTC; edited 1 time
His - 2009 Kawasaki Vulcan 900 Classic LT, Hers - 2008 MP3 250
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His - 2009 Kawasaki Vulcan 900 Classic LT, Hers - 2008 MP3 250
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Re: My Maiden Cruise on my new Vespa GTS300 Super. Sad but
That's just terrible, but I'm glad that you are OK. Metal can be replace (hopefully at the drunk idiot's expense).
Be well. |
![]() UTC
Had 2 2006 GTS 250ie's
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Yes, very glad you are Ok. I guess the lesson I learned after being rear ended is I'm always glancing into my rear view mirrors quite a bit more than I used to.
Sir Frets-A-Lot
![]() Vespa GT250ie/L, Honda Ruckus 50, Honda NT700V, Honda CB125
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That sucks a whole lot.
Sorry to hear dude. Good thing you're mostly OK. But really. Man. No way to get info on that, huh? Like no camera? no witnesses...? |
Resident Gentleman
![]() --------2008 LX150-------- Sold
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I'm really glad you weren't badly hurt. It's a good thing you had that protective gear on. Sorry about your new scooter and hope it can be fixed or replaced soon so you can get back on the road. And, by the way, welcome to Modern Vespa! |
![]() UTC
2010 Orange S150
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So glad you are relatively OK, so pissed at drunk drivers. I truly believe that over 75% of the population should never be allowed behind the wheel or handlebars of a motorized vehicle or even a bicycle for that matter. I hope you are able to get reimbursement on this one.
What I learned
While I did all the right things, went to motor school, wore a helmet, long pants and shirt (in 103 degree weather) had gloves on, etc., you can still get hit. I'm a newbe to two wheeling and this was my first outing. But I look forward to getting my scooter back and riding again. But I'll add a summer protective jacket. Beyond that, most things worth doing in life has some risk.
Jim |
Resident Gentleman
![]() --------2008 LX150-------- Sold
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Re: What I learned
Jim L. wrote: While I did all the right things, went to motor school, wore a helmet, long pants and shirt (in 103 degree weather) had gloves on, etc., you can still get hit. I'm a newbe to two wheeling and this was my first outing. But I look forward to getting my scooter back and riding again. But I'll add a summer protective jacket. Beyond that, most things worth doing in life has some risk. Jim (I won't blab about your age, but in a couple weeks I'll just be 3 years behind you) |
That IS a sad tale. I hope you get a brand new scoot, and I hope the drunk pays dearly. Ride on!
![]() UTC
Veni, Vidi, Posti
2007 Vespa LX 190, 2011 LXV150ie
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Veni, Vidi, Posti
![]() 2007 Vespa LX 190, 2011 LXV150ie
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Ouch! Welcome anyway, and sorry you didn't even have a chance to brag about your new scooter before this happened.
Same thing happened to me about a month after I got my LX, except it was an SUV that hit me, he stuck around, and it was the witnesses that all took off! Hope you're not without your ride for long. |
So sorry to hear about that. I am just glad to hear that you are okay. That was a very fortunate purchase. There just isn't much you can do about drunk drivers. If you are really lucky, on the ball, and there's room, sometimes you can scoot up next to the car in front of you before you get hit. However, this takes skill that most of us newbies just don't have yet.
If you know the plate of the truck, I could run it through Public Data to get a name and address. We got rear ended by a truck in our car a few years ago. Unfortunately, the guy ran. We chased with no luck. Called the police with his plate, but he had never registered it in his name. It was still registered to the previous owner, who had sold it more than a year ago. Luckily, we have uninsured/underinsured motorist insurance. Be sure to get this type of insurance; it's usually cheap. I have a small idea of what you are going through. Mine is way small in comparison though. After returning from my first big ride out of my neighborhood, I dropped my scoot in the garage and did $2000 worth of damage to it. I wasn't hurt, except for my pride. Up to that point, I had only been tooling around my neighborhood getting accustomed to it. This was about a month ago. It's been in the shop the entire time. There's a back log for auto painters in town due to a large hail storm earlier in the summer. I might get it back next week. Take care and try to keep your morale up. |
![]() 2005 GT 200L Grigio_Smoky a.k.a. "Il Grande Lebowski"
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Jim L.. glad to hear you're shaken but not broken. And if the police have the truck it's only a matter of time before they match it up with the driver...providing the truck wasn't stolen.
A good testimonial to Toreador Pants, I would say. And +1 on NewEnough. Those guys run a very efficient business, and there are certainly good deals to be had on gear. All the best on getting the scooter fixed/replaced. Oh, and +1 on your positive attitude too! |
![]() UTC
2010 GTS 300 Super
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Posts: 241 Location: Delray Beach, Florida |
Wow! That is so scary ! I'm glad you're all right. What a heartbreaker. Dallas is my hometown--whereabout was your accident?
The first time I had an accident, I jumped up with broken fingers asking if the scooter was ok. LOL! |
First of all...so glad that you're O.K...scoot can be repaired or replaced. Hope you'll be able to get things settled with truck driver.
Second, welcome to MV...good folks that you can reach out to for help...as you've probably noticed. Lastly, here's a site you may want to check for a Vanson Ventmax mesh armor jacket (perfect summer jacket)...this is what I wear...live in Hawaii..temp is not getting close to 90's and humidity likewise. https://www.motoliberty.com/list_prod.asp?CatID=11&SubCatID=13 Scroll down Vanson jackets..again these are not very stylish...relatively cool, not bulky and lightweight. Good Luck! |
I'm so paranoid about being rear-ended. So glad I live in a state that allows lane splitting since I think that helps reduce the times I'm sitting out there exposed.
What a horrible introduction to scootering. I'm really glad to hear your story and that you are ok. Good luck on getting things sorted out and let us know what happens with your scooter and the jackass who hit you. |
that is just bad luck mate you couldn't prepare for that. We all have one of those to talk about glad yours is over and done with. Onwards and upwards. Maybe getting all that safety equipment is not a good idea afterall just think if you hadn't have gone and got those gloves. don't buy a jacket or boots..........
That's a scary story!!!! So glad your OK. Please keep us updated on what happens to the driver of the truck. These people should be taken off the road!
You obviously weren't at fault. I hope first that the law nails the slime and second that the insurance nails the slime.
'glad you were covered. Trust us, that's NOT normal. Don't be too freaked out to get back on. |
Glad you weren't hurt Looking out for what's behind you is always a good thing since people aren't paying attention half the time Sucks that nobody can help you find the perp. Hope you get the scooter fixed and your back out enjoying it soon.
Wow that's what I dread! But I just got rear ended this past thursday while in my car. Glad you're OK.
Veni, Vidi, Posti
![]() 2009 GTV250 (Gone), 2003 Inder trailer (also gone), 2001 BMW R1100RT
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GLad you are ok.
I ALWAYS line up behind but to the side of the cars at stop lights. That way if I get rear ended, I go between the cars, not into the rear of one so I don't get crushed. Also, I try NEVER to be the last vehcile in waiting in line. If need be, I lane split till I find a space big enough for me. Might tweak a few people but its safer there. Also, I NEVER pull in front of monster pickup trucks because I don't think they can see me, I don't trust their judgement (having spent lots of money to build somethings that's so unsafe to the rest of us), and the attitude is often unruly (don't mean to dis anyone, just my observation around town). MIguel |
brilaz wrote: I'm so paranoid about being rear-ended. I attempt to check out what's coming up behind and am prepared to move / weave to side. If I'm in extreme right lane that move may put me in that "cushioned space" next the the curb. If not in the extreme right...I'll be in between lanes and not dead center to on coming rear ender. Remember the DMV emergency weave drill?....well it's not just in case something gets in our way head on...it's for the back end too... I may still get hurt but hopefully not taking on the full brunt force of rear ending vehicle. |
![]() 2010 Dragon Red GTS 300 Super, 2018 Grigio Titanio Piaggio Liberty S 150
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That is just terrible. I hope your injuries heal quickly and I hope you get a brand new Super to replace that one. I'm always so paranoid about watching my mirrors when stopped at a traffic light. I know more than a couple of people who have been hit while stopped.
This is truly sad. A brand new Vespa and a drunken fool hits you while you're stopped. At least YOU are O.K. and will live to ride another day. I was happy to hear that someone chased the idiot who hit you and the cops now have the truck. Hopefully, it was his truck or he was driving it with the owners permission so they can identify this rotten, low-life, POS. I couldn't imagine ever driving while drinking or hitting someone and leaving the scene. Glad you're O.K.
![]() 2015 Sprint 150 ABS Yellow. 1974 Vespa Rally 200 White, non battery model.
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Good to finally see you on the board! Too bad it was to tell your accident. (Still waiting on your insurance company to send an adjuster..) Will have an estimate for the repair by tomorrow most likely. |
![]() Vespa GTS 300 Super & Vespa P125X
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![]() '10 GTS 300 Super, '79 Vespa P200E, '04 Vespa PX200, 2011 SportCity 300 Cube [Sold]
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Dang, terrible story but really glad that you're ok. You can always get another scooter. Scary scary.
![]() Kymco P250 Now, P200E in the 80's
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brilaz wrote: I'm so paranoid about being rear-ended. So glad I live in a state that allows lane splitting since I think that helps reduce the times I'm sitting out there exposed. What a horrible introduction to scootering. I'm really glad to hear your story and that you are ok. Good luck on getting things sorted out and let us know what happens with your scooter and the jackass who hit you. I too enjoy the "lane sharing" benefit of parking between cages when at lights. I also enjoy being able to roll carefully ahead of the 80 cars at the nasty light near my office. I can save 20 minutes at ONE series of lights by the freeway. |
Sorry mate. Oiy.
You'll heal, and the rest is only metal. So it'll all work out. If you know the dealer that will do the estimate, ask them to total it. Then get a new scoot. Or if your wanting to keep the scoot, think about having it painted in the color you always wanted and come out of things with your own custom. =) lemon...lemonade. Best of luck. |
![]() UTC
2009 Vespa GTS Super duper pooper scooper
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![]() 2009 Vespa GTS Super duper pooper scooper
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Posts: 605 Location: Tuscaloosa, Alabama |
Jim i am glad you walked away. The scoot can be replaced. Maybe angle for warranty- JOKING!! But i am glad the witnesses helped and were able to help the police department.
First, thank you everyone for all the kind messages. Shows what a good community Vespa people are.
I'll update everyone as the story continues to unfold. I'm insured by GEICO and so far they have been nice but no one has inspected my scooter yet. It's been a week. I'm calling them tomorrow and see if they will get the ball rolling. I will let you know how I am treated. As far as the fix or replace question goes, I think it will be fixed. Vespa's are tough little machines. I was pleasantly surprised to find my dealer on this site, Alex at Lewisville TX Vespa. His message : "Jim, Good to finally see you on the board! Too bad it was to tell your accident. (Still waiting on your insurance company to send an adjuster..) Will have an estimate for the repair by tomorrow most likely. " Alex has treated me real well. If he says it can be fixed like new, I believe him. I don't know anything about the driver yet. Don't know if he was the owner of the truck, insured, etc. etc. I'll just trust that DPD will do a good job. Interesting footnote: Today was my birthday and my wife bought me a protective jacket, an Olympia Air Glide II. Says she wants to keep me around a while. I'm a lucky guy in so many ways. I let you all know how this story unwinds. I'm just wanting to get back on the road. Be glad when I am reporting that to you. Thanks for all the support. Jim L. |
![]() 2005 GT 200L Grigio_Smoky a.k.a. "Il Grande Lebowski"
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Happy birthday Jim! And great present from your wife.
Keep us updated on the saga! I JUST NOTICE THIS NEW THREAD, IT IT APPEARS JIM WANTS TO MOVE FURTHER NEWS ON THIS TOPIC HERE: Jim back on site to keep everyone updated |
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Molto Verboso
LX150 Darling Plum; GTS 250 Dragon Red; Honda Big Ruckus Demented Bastard
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Molto Verboso
![]() LX150 Darling Plum; GTS 250 Dragon Red; Honda Big Ruckus Demented Bastard
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Happy Birthday, it sounds like you have a nice wife!! enjoy!! It is sad to hear this happened on your 1st ride, and that they do not alow lanespliting there for cycles.. Here in california it is a great thing, and I feel much better at the front of the intersection, with the two cages beside and just behind me. I know someone can't rear end me... I only split when the traffic has stopped, so I know they can't swap lanes right into or infront of me.
Now to what I was really going to say, I just had my PickUp rear ended while it was sitting infront of my house, while I was at work, it to was a hit and run, so what I learned was it is going to take over a month for the police report, and insurance to do anything till they have a chance to track down and try to get the money for repairs from the drivers insurance. So on your situation it could take awhile.. |
Moderator Australis
![]() 2014 Moto Guzzi V7 Stone, 2014 Vespa 150 Primavera (sold) 2003 Vespa GT200 (sold)
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VEZPA wrote: DEMAND A NEW SCOOT FROM THE INSURANCE AGENCY. IT WAS BRAND NEW! And I hope you are riding safe, very soon Coggo |
![]() 2010 Vespa GTS 300, 2007 Vespa GTS 250, 2007 Vespa GTV, 2010 Stella 4T #3, and a bunch of broke down vintage scoots
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Jim L. wrote: As far as the fix or replace question goes, I think it will be fixed. Vespa's are tough little machines. |
![]() BV 400 (21) , BV 350 (16) SOLD :( , Sprint 150 2015(SOLD), Liberty S150 2018
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i can totally relate.. i took it up the ass by a kit on drugs and a borrowed / stolen car... it was a good thing i was on a big bad heavy 2006 BMW K1200 RS with bags.... I survived ... i would post the pic but you guys would freak ...
Jim - Sorry to hear about the accident. Healing mojo being sent your way. Hopefully you will get a new scoot out of this.
The Karma police will get that cowardly drunk yahoo that hit you sooner or later. Hopefully sooner. Heal quickly. |
Makes me want to be more alert, aware, and careful from now on when I'm stopped at a light. You just never know about these things....
![]() 2010 Dragon Red GTS 300 Super, 2018 Grigio Titanio Piaggio Liberty S 150
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cphutchins wrote: Makes me want to be more alert, aware, and careful from now on when I'm stopped at a light. You just never know about these things.... |
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