I see sportbikes pulled over pretty often, though it's probably not always for speeding. I don't know about the ability of radar/laser to tag a scooter, but suspect many cops don't bother unless you're conspicuously hauling ass.
I think we're more likely to get pulled over for some other violation. Unnecessary acceleration, illegal turn, plates, etc. In some areas, police have started pulling over more scooters (and motorcycles) to check for proper licensing and registration.
I also know a few people on derestricted 50cc scoots who've been busted for speeding and have gotten in more trouble because they exceeded the restricted speed for that model (in their state) and then had to go through registration, insurance, etc.
Been seeing a lot more speedtraps and traffic stops in my area, possibly because cities need more money any way they can get it.
drewteague wrote:
as far as speeding tickets, I've gotten a couple. Same cop (LAPD bike cop), same road. Needless to say, I've altered my route to work! A brotha can only opt for traffic school every 1 months!!!
For us locals, what street was that? Only speeding ticket I've gotten in LA was in my car, Cahuenga right before the Hollywood Bowl. You know those "speed checked by radar" signs? I always thought they were BS. Huh.