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I'm trying to locate the VIN number on a pretty rusty 50s frame (attached images).
As far as I knew it was supposed to appear on the back part of the frame (as you can see in the image attached), but it's not there Crying or Very sad emoticon I even tried rubbing the rust off to make sure.

Any ideas on where it might be, or an alternative location to look?

Where it should be
Where it should be
Where is it on mine?!
Where is it on mine?!
Forum member supplied image with no explanatory text
@rover_eric avatar

1965 Vespa SS180, 1963 Lambretta LI150
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1965 Vespa SS180, 1963 Lambretta LI150
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it should be where it was listed in that diagram.

you've got a pretty rusty bike...i wonder if it oxidized off.

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Maybe I should be going for the rat-rod look

The part where it should be is in decent condition, but it's simply not there,
rather frustrating...

Please, additional thoughts ?
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1965 Vespa SS180, 1963 Lambretta LI150
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Not sure what to say. I mean, i've never seen a smallframe that DIDN'T have the vin stamped into that lip of the engine side door.

You can start looking around the frame for other markings, but you're likely just going to find a bunch of numbers that start with the letter IGN123456 ( IGN is an italian manufacturing requirement where each piece was coded with a different part number, and stamped as such ).

You've just gotta keep looking on the frame until you find that V5XXT-123456 serial number. It's going to be on the actual frame, not the headset, fender, fork, etc.
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get yourself some scotchbrite and give er a rub. Take a closer look. Maybe....take a picture of the area in question for us.

nothing at all
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were they shaved off because of foul play Nerd emoticon
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