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By popular demand, we've added a Ride Reports section to the forum. We've populated it with two notable and recent-vintage threads to kick off the kind of topics we're after in that particular section.

I should stress that Ride Reports is only for Ride Reports, i.e trips and journeys that you've taken on a scooter or motorcycle. Seems obvious, but wanted to stress it because we get so many misdirected threads started in the wrong section. The new section is not for questions about anything. If you want to start a new thread that poses any kind of question at all, please don't put it in Ride Reports.

If you'd like to nominate a thread for inclusion in the Ride Reports area, post a link here in this thread, and a moderator will move it.

Ride on!
⚠️ Last edited by jess on UTC; edited 2 times
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Your linkypoo got jacked.

Soon, General Discussion will be all NSR and I'll just know which section to ignore
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Ooh I can post my dirty Honda love in there....
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Wonder Machine wrote:
Ooh I can post my dirty Honda love in there....
You and me both love.... Razz emoticon

Do I get the impression you are hankering yet again?
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Can this one be moved?

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How about this one for starters....

Honda SH300i vs Vespa GTS 300

EDIT - ooops got it wrong thought you meant test rides
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Anyway to capture notable journeys of MV members that were documented elsewhere? Here are three blogs by members documenting various scooter journeys. Don't know that any of them were reported in their own thread, though.

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Doug, what the hell does that have to do with a Ride Report of an epic roadtrip? The new section is NOT for bike reviews...
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Heh. Seems like "Ride Reports" was more ambiguous than I thought. I've clarified my OP to indicate that these are for reports of trips and journeys.
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dougl65 wrote:
Wonder Machine wrote:
Ooh I can post my dirty Honda love in there....
You and me both love.... Razz emoticon

Do I get the impression you are hankering yet again?
Yes but his nibs will probably get one.... aha!

And er, yes, ride reports are different from test rides - apols for the confusion there.

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Excellent! I always thought it would be cool to have a scooter travel stories section. I occasionally read http://www.crazyguyonabike.com/ and thought it would be cool to have something similar for scooters. Makes for good reading material in the winter when it is too cold to ride.

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jimc wrote:
Doug, what the hell does that have to do with a Ride Report of an epic roadtrip? The new section is NOT for bike reviews...
Yeah I got that almost instantly and edited my post... I trust you did not read it all? Razz emoticon Please read the whole post before you have a go...

(PS I see mr curmudgeon has returned Laughing emoticon )
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Awesome, just awesome. Wangta is certainly the founder. Hopefully Karen and Linda will now post their journey to Tennessee last year and Bobo probably has a few things to say, hehe.

Thanks Jess !

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Yeah, I did ride coast to coast and back for a charity in 2006 on a new GTS250. I forgot the mileage, but the blog says 8246 over 20 days. It was partly solo, partly in a group of four, and partly on the Cannonball. I left the blog raw and unedited, even though the writing was uneven due to exhaustion and internet issues. Here is a link:


It's nice to see how MV has grown up over just a couple of years. (Not how grown-up we act, because that's debatable). At the time few had ridden long distances in the US on a modern Vespa. I chimed in a lot responding to technical questions. Now long rides have become routine, so I try to keep my mouth shut and watch others share their wisdom. Usually they say it better than I could have.
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