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The NY Times just posted an article about texting. It begins:

The first study of drivers texting inside their vehicles shows that the risk sharply exceeds previous estimates based on laboratory research - and far surpasses the dangers of other driving distractions.

The new study, which entailed outfitting the cabs of long-haul trucks with video cameras over 18 months, found that when the drivers texted, their collision risk was 23 times greater than when not texting.

The Virginia Tech Transportation Institute, which compiled the research and plans to release its findings on Tuesday, also measured the time drivers take their eyes from the road to send or receive texts.

MAYBE with all the new info out some new laws will come out to protect us.

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My bosses boss and I got into an argument over texting. He sends full emails while he is driving. I was saying it should be illegal with a $500 fine for first time offender, $1000 for second and loss of license for third offense, he went off and I finely said fine, make sure you take care of my widow if you ever run me over and kill me while you are texting. If looks could kill I would have been dead. Oops
Nothing like shitting where you eat.

Wayne B
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Send him the link to the full article:

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Wayne B wrote:
Nothing like shitting where you eat.

Wayne B
Laughing emoticon Laughing emoticon Wayne, you never cease to crack me up!
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Isn't it obvious though, do we really need to WASTE money on a study.

The whole texting thing is insane!

This just in, having unprotected sex greatly increases a womans chance of getting pregnant. Who'da thought Probably paid for that too.


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oldspice wrote:
Wayne B wrote:
Nothing like shitting where you eat.

Wayne B
Laughing emoticon Laughing emoticon Wayne, you never cease to crack me up!
Just got my review today at work, top notch review, as usual Clap emoticon Clap emoticon ( I love My Data Center, everything must be perfect Nerd emoticon ) So that didn't affect it. Whew emoticon Laughing emoticon

My specialty is to make racks that look like this

Look like this, with minimal down time so customers server isn't off line for more than a few sec at a time. Wouldn't want you all to miss any porn or what ever else may be out here on the web.

Wayne B
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The fact that something is obvious is not always sufficient. The tobacco companies once hired "research doctors" to say, "We find no evidence of a connection between smoking and lung cancer."

I always wanted to know, "Did you LOOK for evidence of a connection?" Finally, the Surgeon General came up with the connection.

As ridiculous as that sounds, the cell phone companies would say, "There is no evidence...." These studies are obvious but until you get them recognized the politicians who are getting contributions from cell companies would be using the "no evidence" excuse to not change the law. With all the stuff hitting the news services now you can believe new laws are coming.

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Wayne B wrote:
My specialty is to make racks that look like this

Look like this, with minimal down time so customers server isn't off line for more than a few sec at a time. Wouldn't want you all to miss any porn or what ever else may be out here on the web.

Wayne B
Nice work... To bad you don't live in Ca... I would hire you
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I drove 40 miles one way on a mix of country roads and interstate highway to get to and from work for 30 years. I have seen people eating, reading books & newspapers, putting on lipstick, shaving, brushing their teeth, combing their hair, reaching back to swat a kid, etc. etc. etc. And now to add to all that insanity ... we have people with cell phones stuck in their ears or trying to drive with their elbows while they text. I don't think it matters what laws you make ... there are just too many idiots on the road! What is really amazing is I have seen our local cops driving with a cell phone in one hand while they are trying to type on a computer terminal and drive at the same time. They should know better than anybody. I don't care how much training you have, it is a distraction.
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I had a guy cut me off on the freeway. It was one of those big white contractor trucks. The driver was chatting away on his cell phone while cutting over three lanes to make the exit at the last second. Wish I had some red and blue lights on the mp3, woulda exercised our CA laws on his ass...
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I jump to conclusions with not much evidence too quick I am sure, but yesterday an 18 year old guy, going down the freeway, lost control, went across the median and killed a guy on his Motorcycle, and hurt and wrecked two other cars in the process here in the Denver area.
The cops say drugs or alcohol does not seem to have been the cause, but I sure would like to know if they check his cell phone/texting usage at the time of the accident.

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I am sick of the very same thing... My ride in to work is all on the interstate. So, as i am hitting speeds of about 70 MPH to 80MPH, and I am getting passed like i am standing still by people on their F**king cell phone. The worst one i have seen latly was the 16 y/o girl driving her daddy's new BWN downtown Charleston SC, hold the phone outside of the windsheild and texting, while she ran 2 stop signs and passed two cops!!! I saw a bumper sticker yesterday that sums it up, " GET THE PHUCK OFF THE FONE"
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"Hang up and Drive" is another popular sticker I see.

It amazes me how people cannot disconnect from their phones. Most of us here remember when phones were only in buildings. And that seemed to work out just fine for us. But nowadays people act like their phones are precious life giving devices and they'll die if they don't have access to them every second of every day. Very odd behavior if you ask me.
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On the busy London commute yesterday a van slowly wandered into my lane with no indicators than wandered back. As a rode passed I noticed why: he was eating a bowl of cereal (with milk using spoon).

The problem is not phones - the problem is complete *idiots* can pass a driving test.... and do.

Even more frightening is they are allowed to reproduce and vote too...

I feel bad now. I've probably impinged on someone's right to be 'of low IQ' and still operate deadly machinery in a public place.

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schlagle wrote:
"Hang up and Drive" is another popular sticker I see.

It amazes me how people cannot disconnect from their phones. Most of us here remember when phones were only in buildings. And that seemed to work out just fine for us. But nowadays people act like their phones are precious life giving devices and they'll die if they don't have access to them every second of every day. Very odd behavior if you ask me.
I would LOVE to be able to disconnect from my phone, but, my job requires I carry it 24/7 in case something happens in the Data Center Nerd emoticon

Wayne B

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elementalist wrote:
On the busy London commute yesterday a van slowly wandered into my lane with no indicators than wandered back. As a rode passed I noticed why: he was eating a bowl of cereal (with milk using spoon).

The problem is not phones - the problem is complete *idiots* can pass a driving test.... and do.

Even more frightening is they are allowed to reproduce and vote too...

I feel bad now. I've probably impinged on someone's right to be 'of low IQ' and still operate deadly machinery in a public place.
You Anti Low IQ adite, you disgust me. If we don't have people with low IQ, who will work at 7-11.

Wayne B

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Who would work at 7-11 - probably some hardware guy like you Wayne who lost his job but thanks to the economy couldn't find anywhere else to work to support his family. So of course because he is there making a living as best he can he must be a *uck*** low IQ idiot.

But on another note - anyone who texts while driving is an idiot.

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You haven't been to the 7-11's in the Washington DC area have you? Laughing emoticon

But Data Centers are booming right now in Ashburn so I am set for a few years and in a few years business will be growing and Data Centers will still be booming from the new businesses that will need server space.
I love this industry.

Wayne B

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knock knock knockin on death's door
nubby wrote:
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Maybe invoking religion will help? Nah, probably not...

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schlagle wrote:
Most of us here remember when phones were only in buildings. And that seemed to work out just fine for us.
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another funny one...well sad funny
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Not texting but, This weekend I passed a Harley dresser going down a regular city street, driver had one hand on throttle and the other hand up to his mouth eating a burger doing the speed of about 40mph.

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darkavich wrote:
Wayne B wrote:
My specialty is to make racks that look like this

Look like this, with minimal down time so customers server isn't off line for more than a few sec at a time. Wouldn't want you all to miss any porn or what ever else may be out here on the web.

Wayne B
Nice work... To bad you don't live in Ca... I would hire you
Wayne - are you sure that you did not get that picture from one old data center that i helped my friend move?

he inherited a room that was converted into a data center and no-one bothered to reconfigure the room based on new equipment being added. I'll ask him if he still has pictures of it. it was horrible.

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newgen wrote:
darkavich wrote:
Wayne B wrote:
My specialty is to make racks that look like this

Look like this, with minimal down time so customers server isn't off line for more than a few sec at a time. Wouldn't want you all to miss any porn or what ever else may be out here on the web.

Wayne B
Nice work... To bad you don't live in Ca... I would hire you
Wayne - are you sure that you did not get that picture from one old data center that i helped my friend move?

he inherited a room that was converted into a data center and no-one bothered to reconfigure the room based on new equipment being added. I'll ask him if he still has pictures of it. it was horrible.
I was just giving an example of a before and after, sorry to not be clear about that. That is not my work, in either picture. I can't take pictures in the data centers where I work.

Wayne B

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