Okay...had a little incident with my SS180 the other Saturday. (Haven't really wanted to mention it but...) Wasn't too bad, but I notice I lost one of my Mickey mouse taillight reflectors and, sniff, the original Siem taillight is cracked in the corner. The relector must have popped off because the former owner, in his resto, seems to have glued on anything that really should have been riveted (Vespa SS badge, SuperSport badge, Reflectors, etc). Guess he didn't know how to rivet, or was only doing the restore to have it sit on a platform and look pretty. Well...it doesn't look as pretty any more but it RUNS.
Okay, so what else got damaged you ask? Front mudguard got squished and has a crack and one of the decorative side pieces pulled a hole in it, front brake lever cracked in half at the pivot point, engine cowl fins are buggered up and got shaved a bit, and a dent in the very side of the front legshield. Other than that it looks pretty good, and does run. I'm a bit worried that the rear tire looks the tiniest bit more pitched to the left (it went down on the right, heavy engine side). I evidently flew but other than being bruised and sore was fine. I did everything wrong but it coulda been a lot worse. I'm chalking it up to a learning experience. WON'T MAKE THOSE MISTAKES AGAIN...
Anyway, I've ordered a replacement mudguard (engine cowl isn't available...so I'll have to eventually fix the fins), and brake lever from SIP but didn't notice the taillight until yesterday. Anybody know where I can find original replacements? Or good repros?