George R wrote:
Looking around the posts, I came across the series on putting reflective tape racing stripes on your vespa to increase visibility. Could/would you do this on a portifino green LXV? I found a site that offers the vinyl reflective tape in a number of colors and was wondering if black, brown, or gold would work without destroying the vintage look? How does someone go about designing something like this?
If you can't tell by now, art was not my best subject...
Did you see the other forum posting that has popped up this week? It's all about stripes and the different options. You can see all sorts of options... center strips, right of center, left of center, or across.
Adding stripes can be fun or challenging depending on how you approach it. As far as I can tell, the only difference between tape and larger pieces is the way it's cut... meaning the materials are the same. They are called adhesive vinyl and many sign shops will sell it by the foot. The colored vinyl is more "stretchy" than the reflective which has metal backing and can be harder to bend and curve. has some good instructions on how to install it. Use a soapy solution in a spray bottle and the vinyl slides pretty easy until you press hard on the vinyl.
I am going to assume the stuff online and the stuff at your local sign shop are going to be the same stuff but by different vendors. The sign shop is likely to buy the vinyl on long rolls in 12", 15" or 24" widths based on the cutter they use. Some are perforated with holes for the gears in their cutting machine, some are not. If you are cutting by hand, it will not make a difference. My local shop will sell it by the foot and you can cut strips of vinyl and can make your own "tape" if you want it. Most of the areas on the scoot are not likely to need a piece longer than two or three feet.
Application tape is tape that goes on the "good side" of the vinyl and holds the different pieces together for installation. So if you add two stripes and 16 letters, you can lay them out on a flat surface, stick them to the installation tape and then install them as one unit. You them remove the application tape after it is installed on the final surface "aka.. the scoot". Be sure you get "wet installable" tape if you are doing a wet installation (easier).
Good luck and show us what you do. PM if you have some questions... I will try to fumble through with an answer.