Seems like ancient history now in 2009, but I rode coast to coast and back for a charity in 2006 on a new GTS250. I forgot the mileage, but the blog says 8246 over 20 days. It was partly solo, partly in a group of four, and partly on the Cannonball. I left the blog raw and unedited, though the writing was uneven due to exhaustion and internet issues. Here is a link:
It's nice to see how MV has grown up over just a couple of years. (Not how grown-up we act, because that's debatable). At the time few had ridden long distances in the US on a modern Vespa. I chimed in a lot responding to technical questions. Now long rides have become routine, so I try to keep my mouth shut and watch others share their wisdom. Usually they say it better than I could have.
Since then: so many more beautiful miles ridden, so many more incredible scooterists met. Thanks everyone, you know who you are.