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I just installed the front crash bars as best as I could with the tools and drill bits we had, using tape on both sides and following the helpful tutorial on this site, but the holes still look ragged and rough! It is not so noticable when looking at it straight on, but is noticable to me from looking at it from the side view. The plastic/paint seemed to almost melt as it was drilled.

I have not tried to clean it up yet as I wanted some MVers input on what to do. I could try to clean it up with a sharp knife (scares me). ...or I could super glue a black rubber ring on the front to cover the edges to make it look more clean, but I'm afraid it will mean a bigger mess in the future.

ANY ideas would be greatly appreciated!!!


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i'd be in there with the dremel; if not that, then fine sandpaper. rather than gluing something down, why not just fit a small rubber washer in the gap between the bar and the scooter body? if you really wanted to be fancy you could probably buy some white enamel and paint the outside surface of the washer to match the paintwork.
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You could use a countersink to lightly chamfer the holes. Use slow spped steady pressure. They are available at your local building supply store. Sometimes they can be done held. The ones with a single hole, or odd number of flutes chatter less.

For metalworking there are also twirl-type deburrers too.
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A simple solution is to use a large diameter grinding ball of the type that you might normally attach to a hand held drill. Get one slightly larger in diameter than the hole and using it between your fingers, gently twist to sand the rough flashing off those holes. It should put a nice smooth camfer on the edges.
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I'd also try a Dremel tool with an appropriately sized sanding cylinder.
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If I may suggest, you have quite a bit of hack, and by the time the hole is smoothed out, it will be much larger.

I would install a rubber or plastic panel grommet to cover the edges. You might only have to open the hole up a small amount to install it. Panel grommets are available at hardware stores, or places like Lowes or Home Depot. They are also available at computer and electrical supply stores. Radio Shack is another choice.

Drilling plastic is very different than drilling wood or metal and, yes, the friction of the drill will actually melt the plastic. There are special drills for use on plastic and the normal 118° point, 2 flute drill is not the best choice.

I think a grommet will make your installation picture perfect.
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Thin rubber washers would seem to be the answer to me. It'd stop any further chafing as well.
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This is one of the several Dremel grinding bits (ball type) available...check out your local hardware or hobby outlet.

If a Dremel is not available remove as much of the flashing (plastic residue around circumference of hole). You can get a hard edged tool and rub agaist edge of drilled hole. Then take sand paper and wrap around a rounded object and use that to finish edge.
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A standard general-purpose machinists' reamer works best. In the US, they're about $6-8 at any decent hardware store. They will give a clean edge, are much more controllable than a Dremel, and won't melt the plastic:
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Silver Streak wrote:
A standard general-purpose machinists' reamer works best. In the US, they're about $6-8 at any decent hardware store. They will give a clean edge, are much more controllable than a Dremel, and won't melt the plastic:
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+1 on the hand reamer. I've got some that are more angled (and less long) that would be my first choice, but this one would work well also.
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THANK YOU for all your input and help! I absolutely love the front crash bars, but not the holes!!

I can sure see the good ideas with each persons thoughts, but I think I will try to measure the holes and try to find a grommet to fit. There seems to be quite a bit of space between the hardware and the plastic horn cover, so I am not sure how I would fit a rubber washer, but that will be plan two. To say that materials & possibilities are VERY limited here, would be a HUGE understatement! I'll head out tonight and see what Leroy Merlin (large hardware store here and I think all over Europe too?) which has the best selection,

THANK YOU all again!!
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Why not use some white silicon goop stuff.... it's fairly easy to work with. Just put on some latex gloves and and wet your finger to shape it.
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It's hard to tell from the photos if it's just the rough edges of paint poking out of the hole you drilled...in which case I'd avoid all the heavy handed tools, and buy some fine emery paper (very fine black sand paper). Then take off the bars/parts/mount so you have unobstructed access to the hole; then wet the emery paper, and sand the inside of the hole until all that rough paint comes off. It should only take a light touch to clean it up.

But, if it's the mounting hardware scrapping the paint off, then a washer might be in order?

If you just want to cover it, a rubber spacer, that would fit over the shaft of that mount might do the trick.

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Tap (faucet?) washers.
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I've never used a regular reamer but most hobby shops also carry reamers like this one for R/C cars which will leave a perfect edge.
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NightWing wrote:
If I may suggest, you have quite a bit of hack, and by the time the hole is smoothed out, it will be much larger.

I would install a rubber or plastic panel grommet to cover the edges. You might only have to open the hole up a small amount to install it. Panel grommets are available at hardware stores, or places like Lowes or Home Depot. They are also available at computer and electrical supply stores. Radio Shack is another choice.

Drilling plastic is very different than drilling wood or metal and, yes, the friction of the drill will actually melt the plastic. There are special drills for use on plastic and the normal 118° point, 2 flute drill is not the best choice.

I think a grommet will make your installation picture perfect.
I agree with the suggestions above but would guess the underlying problem was a dull bit and pushing too hard. A sharp bit, even one for metal, and slow, easy push will create a clean hole. Miguel

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genie wins hands down

rubber grommet to finish that project up

even if you clean up the hole you'll want a grommet in there
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The huge Leroy Merlin hardware store: Last night's trip there scored me a BIG zero! No grommets and maybe a rubber washer that might work if I stacked a couple up.

The best general local hardware store: Last night's trip scored a BIG zero too, but they gave me a list of two store that might have something. I will go on a grommet/rubber washer run and see what I can find.

The holes' edges are basically smoothy, but the paint acted funky under the drilling process (maybe the heat?) even with tape on it. The paint kind of pealed away/shredded/flaked with a rubbery texture. I will let you know what I find tonight and take photos if I find a solution. The hole seems to be 15-17mm, I think the tutorial from the States gives the hole size to be 5/8". I may go internet shopping next if I have no luck.

THANK YOU for all your help and ideas!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You all win a vacation to the Islands!!
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jimmyb865 wrote:
genie wins hands down

rubber grommet to finish that project up

even if you clean up the hole you'll want a grommet in there
Say what? Genie suggested a washer, I suggested a grommet.
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I went to 3 more shopstoday and found no grommet!

I will start looking on the internet
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What size hole did you end up with? I will find you a grommet and ship it your way.
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THANK YOU for the VERY VERY kind offer! I will go to two more stores as run errands this morning and if they do not have anything, I will send you a Personal Message with the measurements of the hole, which seems to be around 15-17mm, but I'll take it apart to get a good measurement ad give it to you in inches too.


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MATEO wrote:

THANK YOU for the VERY VERY kind offer! I will go to two more stores as run errands this morning and if they do not have anything, I will send you a Personal Message with the measurements of the hole, which seems to be around 15-17mm, but I'll take it apart to get a good measurement ad give it to you in inches too.


No problem with the mm. I can convert it. Also measure the bolt that is going through the hole and the thickness of the horncast. If you can't measure that, I will measure the one on my LX. I am glad to help.
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Don't do anything that involves more cutting or sanding, etc; it will only get worse. A rubber washer is the answer; grommets will need a larger hole. If you cannot find rubber washers, get some stainless steel "fender washers". Fender washers are proportioned differently from standard washers. The outside diameter is quite large for the same size inside diameter. They cover up a multitude of sins and spread the forces over a larger area.
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I found a solution with minimal work and minmal additional damage. I'll show the 3 possible solutions I found at anindustrial supply store in town. I am happy with the current (I hope permanent) solution.

THANK YOU all again for all your help!!
first possible solution, semi-grommet thing
first possible solution, semi-grommet thing
It was way too big and it was the smallest grommet like think they had.  It looked like a toilet boil plunger!
It was way too big and it was the smallest grommet like think they had. It looked like a toilet boil plunger!
Possible solution 2, which I thought would work the best . . . but
Possible solution 2, which I thought would work the best . . . but
Did NOT work for two reasons.  The shank of the tube was too long and even after cutting one down, it 2.) would not fit in as the screw shank thing for the front crash bars was/is so tight against the hole, it would not wedge in when I tried to put the ho
Did NOT work for two reasons. The shank of the tube was too long and even after cutting one down, it 2.) would not fit in as the screw shank thing for the front crash bars was/is so tight against the hole, it would not wedge in when I tried to put the ho
THE answer, #3!  I do not know what you call this thin plastic thing, but it did the charm.  It fits in thehole, but lets the screw shank fit through too.  It was a tad lose, so I put a dab of glue on the sides of the hole to hold it in place.
THE answer, #3! I do not know what you call this thin plastic thing, but it did the charm. It fits in thehole, but lets the screw shank fit through too. It was a tad lose, so I put a dab of glue on the sides of the hole to hold it in place.
Look at the difference between this and the orginal holes in this thread!
Look at the difference between this and the orginal holes in this thread!
The holes look clean now and the gray blends in behind and is non-descript!
The holes look clean now and the gray blends in behind and is non-descript!
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very nice glad you finally found something that worked.
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Perfick! Well found.
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