Posted by Lisa of Vespa Club Los Gatos :
Anyone interested in this ride? .. .here are some details. The movie is playing other days and times but this Friday works best for me. Any other changes I am open to ofcourse.
Roman Holiday Ride
Friday Evening July 31st
Meet for Ride 5:30 to 6:00
Momentum Parking Lot
2001 The Alameda near 880
There is a Shell station across the street to gas up before the ride
Dinner 6:30-ish
Mango Caribbean- Great Jamaican Food
Large Bottles of Red Stripe Beer
435 Hamilton Ave PA 650-324-9443
Or some other of the many restaurants in the area
Showtime 7:30
Stanford Theatre
221 University Ave
Tickets are $7 CASH ONLY
Ride back to San Jose after movie
The Alameda - SJ
De La Cruz
Central Exp
Hamilton - PA
* The VCLG Sunday Ride may or may not end in Palo Alto, as the Stanford Theater also has matinee shows at 3:35pm for Saturday and Sunday. If you cannot make it Friday Night, come join our Monthly Ride on Sunday and let us know.