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Vespa LX 150
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Location: Stockholm, Sweden
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Vespa LX 150
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Location: Stockholm, Sweden
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I'll post this as different post rather than a reply, maybe someone will answer

Yes, the LX centre stand blows, and I want to ask some questions regarding this.

When I was back in Romania, due to intense heat I found my Vespa dropped down twice. I have all the crash bars, so it wasn't a tragedy.

Now I moved to Stockholm and the weather is mild, the asphalt always hard, but the motorcycle parking lots are full during summer, and sometimes people are not that careful. I found my Vespa dropped twice on the ground, an now I have two dents on the right side, even if the crash bars should have prevented this. I'll need to fix those dents, but that's another story altogether.

So after a good look at the LX centre stand, I can only tell that it sucks ass. It's so damn narrow. No wonder you can drop the scooter so easily on either side.

My LX is an 150cc 2006 model. I looked at the LX 2009 and Vespa S model and I thing they have a different centre stand. If I am wrong, please correct me.
Anyway the GT and GTS stands look much more stable.
My question, can I replace the LX centre stand with a more stable one from another Piaggio or Vespa model? The thing is that it needs to fit well under the exhaust and to get around the engine, like the LX stand.

Thank you for your answers.

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IF (and that's a big "if") the center stands are different between the 2006 and 2009 LXs, I would imagine that they are interchangeable. The frame and exhaust have not changed, so mounting should be identical. In terms of mounting a GT/GTS centerstand? I have no idea if it will work or not...
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