Purple Passion wrote:
I've been riding my daring plum 150 LX in the Washington, DC metro area for nearly two years and it seems like the best compromise for this kind of city. I can cross the bridges at speed (well, Key Bridge because it's short and there isn't too much lane changing) and keep up with the cages on the Whitehurst Fwy. Traffic in town is congested and moves nice and slow. A 50cc scoot would be too slow in some situations. A more powerful machine would be fine, but might tempt me onto the SE-SW Fwy or - gasp - the Interstates. Maybe it's not that my scoot is perfect for DC, but rather DC is perfect for scoots.
Yes to both your first supposition and your last. I do most of my riding in and around Annapolis -- 30 miles east of you -- but the same applies here.
Yes, Jim, you are right, but only the Vespas have the panache.