GTS Super 125cc
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GTS Super 125cc
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I've just got myself a new 125 GTS Super but as its my first bike i'm a little in the dark of what to get etc!

The 2 most important bits I can think of at the moment is covering the bike and myself! Would you recommend the Vespa Cover from their site? It looked a little thin from the pic so wasn't sure if a tougher material is better and just not branded by Vespa?

Also waterproofs, where a good place to get this kind of stuff that will deal with the London weather!

I'm still scared still on the bike, I can't believe how strong the wind seems at times but managed to scoot to work 3 times now so getting there!

There'll be plenty more questions no doubt but any help you can give would be great, money is tight having spent it all on the bike but as it's going to be living outside on the street I think a good cover is a must!

Thanks for any help!
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First, moved this post so that it can attract more attention. Second, welcome to MV! Lots of members from your side of the ocean over here, and they'll likely pop in to answer your questions before too long.
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Congrats on your new scoot. You have picked a good one.

I am sure lots of Londoners will be along shortly to offer some excellent advice. They really helped me when I first started out.

I have an oxford cover, it was cheap and does the job. The cheaper the better in my opinion as the get ruined easily.

I use a small fly screen on the front of my scoot, it seems to divert most of the wind over and around me. A decent helmet also helps with the noise.

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Best cover by far is a Tucano urbano one. About £35. www.scootech.co.uk

Give 'em a call.

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Can't comment on covers or rain gear. Sorry. However, if you haven't gotten a helmet, armored jacket, gloves, and boots yet, I would highly encourage these. Have fun. Safe riding.
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dougl65 wrote:
Best cover by far is a Tucano urbano one. About £35. www.scootech.co.uk

Give 'em a call.
+1 and get a cable lock to attach the cover to the scoot so no little toerag nicks it

infinity motorcycles (in holborn and great portland street) has a good range of waterproofs - most decent motorcycle shops will stock a good range - if you're in scootech to get a cover (an excellent investment) you might ask what they've got in the way of waterproofs.
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dougl65 wrote:
Best cover by far is a Tucano urbano one. About £35. www.scootech.co.uk

Give 'em a call.
It's worth going just to chat to the charming staff.

GTS Super 125cc
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GTS Super 125cc
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Cheers for the help so far guys!

Bought the bike at scootech and agree, charming bunch! So far just invested in Helmet, jacket and gloves so safe-ish on the riding front. A friend at work donated some Gericke jeans which although don't love, will help the first time I go flying!

I'll give the guys a call as was close to just ordering the vespa one but thought i'd probably be paying just for the sake of the vespa sign rather than the quality of the cover!

As its brand new, whens the first time I should be looking out for anything, from a maintenance side? I.e. oil etc?

Riding has been ace, journey cut in half from before and slowly getting a little confidence allthough I'll admit, I do generally still sit in trffic rather than filtering too often!

Thanks again to everyone who's posted!

Not a good pic but the only one i have and yea yea, of course I do have L plates!
Will have to get some better pics!
Will have to get some better pics!
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I love that colour!

First service 1000km. Shouldn't have any issues until then, if you do just give Scootech a call.

It takes time to get used to filtering, it took me ages. I am still not 100% confident. Training and practice helps.

Do you intend to take the test?
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As for clothing... Try armadilo scooter wear, I have one of there parka's and it's amazing!
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*Parka Warning*
Never zip one all the way up and run home. (voice of experience)
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