I've just got myself a new 125 GTS Super but as its my first bike i'm a little in the dark of what to get etc!
The 2 most important bits I can think of at the moment is covering the bike and myself! Would you recommend the Vespa Cover from their site? It looked a little thin from the pic so wasn't sure if a tougher material is better and just not branded by Vespa?
Also waterproofs, where a good place to get this kind of stuff that will deal with the London weather!
I'm still scared still on the bike, I can't believe how strong the wind seems at times but managed to scoot to work 3 times now so getting there!
There'll be plenty more questions no doubt but any help you can give would be great, money is tight having spent it all on the bike but as it's going to be living outside on the street I think a good cover is a must!
Thanks for any help!