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Remember Mr. Prius? https://modernvespa.com/forum/topic50519


He walks in to my office and asks if I had any plans for the weekend.

"Yes I do. I'm riding my motorcycle to San Clemente this weekend for a motorcycle rally," I said.

"Ahh, you're getting on your tough bike." He said.

"Yeah, my tough bike, and what, my Vespa is the sissy bike?" I said jokingly.

We get a little chuckle. He says, "Well, I'm the sissy one. I won't even get on any two wheels. Do you know why?"

I didn't answer.

"I'll tell you why," he sits down and continues. "My parents are divorced and when I stayed with my father [he was an orthopedic surgeon] he would drag me to the hospital in the middle of the night and in the ER, there's a little crack in the curtain and all I see was blood everywhere, the guy screaming..."

I interrupt him and said, "Do you really want to tell me this?"

He pauses..."Well, yeah, because I wouldn't want you to..."

I interrupt him again and said, "Do you think I don't already know the dangers?"

People have their beliefs and it would be nice of we all respect each other's. When people start to push their beliefs on you [and it doesn't even have to be political, environmental, or religious] then we have a problem.


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yeah, and does he know when people have babies that there is blood and pain and sometimes other people have to see it and it is totally gross and people shouldn't do it?!
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paige wrote:
yeah, and does he know when people have babies that there is blood and pain and sometimes other people have to see it and it is totally gross and people shouldn't do it?!
Hehehe. I'm a certified nursing assistant (but it's not my profession) and I clearly remember my instructor saying "it's an open wound."
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Does he know he can get into an accident driving his Prius too?

There are risks with anything on the road.

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Every time he walks into your office yell, "HEY! Captain-Buzzkill! What's up man?"

Everyone needs a nickname.
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Sounds like Mr Prius is having a defensive reaction. He was teased for his change from a Mustang to a Prius, and it has served to bring out the inner high-horse rider in him... he's probably got a list of justifications ready for why is Prius is better than not just the Mustang but also other forms of transportation by now.
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My dentist tried to talk me out of riding also saying it is dangerous yadda yadda as if I wasn't already aware of the risks.
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Maybe he's just genuinely concerned and tried to express it the best way he knew how.

Not everything people say to us is an affront to riding a scooter.

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If we let fear control us we don't live. I rather die having lived then live a a dull life.
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snoozie - I could annoy him and walk in to his office everyday and say "there was a car accident today."

scooter Bug - I could annoy him and walk in to his office everyday and say "there was a car accident today."

jimmyb865 - I love play-on words.

xantufrog - He's had this belief even before he got his Prius. And this is not the first time I heard this from him.

Benito - Your dentist is using good tactics. He's got your mouth wide opened while he tells you these things so you can't respond. LOL

vinny72758 - I'm sure he is genuinely concerned, much like how many Born Again Christians (for example) are genuinely concerned about my soul and the only way to get into heaven is to be born again.

igf1r - Good words to live by.
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Nobody knows how they're going to die, but at least my death won't involve an 800 lb. battery crammed up my ass.

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I've got a history of half the cancers on the planet running through one family member or another, so to quote Mr. Jimmy Buffet..

"I'd rather die while I'm living than live while I'm dead."

I don't even have a car, so when I get into conversations like this, I always tell the other person I'd be more than happy to drive a safe car around, if they're willing to buy it for me. Usually shuts 'em up pretty quick.

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it has been my observation that we scooter people have to give the other people a break.

they don't understand us and i don't waist the time helping them anymore Nerd emoticon
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i woulnd't bother much with him. he's got a prius, life's already beaten him down enough.
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That's okay. I'm anti-Prius. Or, more precisely, anti-Prius-driver. Rarely has there ever been an identifiable segment of the population whose self-righteous smugness has had such a large impact on my day to day life.

Please make a point of counseling your coworker on how to stay the *+%# out of everyone elses way while hypermiling in the fast lane.
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jess wrote:
That's okay. I'm anti-Prius. Or, more precisely, anti-Prius-driver. Rarely has there ever been an identifiable segment of the population whose self-righteous smugness has had such a large impact on my day to day life.

Please make a point of counseling your coworker on how to stay the *+%# out of everyone elses way while hypermiling in the fast lane.
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Is it okay to like the Prius commercials? They are really neat.
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Watch Full Episode and you'll see that it's not worth your bother.

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Scooter Bug wrote:
Is it okay to like the Prius commercials? They are really neat.

helps pay my mortgage

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Paul G. wrote:
Nobody knows how they're going to die, but at least my death won't involve an 800 lb. battery crammed up my ass.

Now that's a great comeback!
I could use it on my sister, who also has a Prius

...But I wouldn't
Back in her college days, when she was volunteering in the ER,
they kinda hazed her by sending her in to take vital signs
on the victim of a motorcycle accident that came in in several pieces

These things are pretty scarring
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jess wrote:
That's okay. I'm anti-Prius. Or, more precisely, anti-Prius-driver. Rarely has there ever been an identifiable segment of the population whose self-righteous smugness has had such a large impact on my day to day life.
+ 500

Toyota Pious : a: marked by sham or hypocrisy b: marked by self-conscious virtue
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L from Jersey wrote:
Paul G. wrote:
Nobody knows how they're going to die, but at least my death won't involve an 800 lb. battery crammed up my ass.

Now that's a great comeback!
I could use it on my sister, who also has a Prius

...But I wouldn't
Back in her college days, when she was volunteering in the ER,
they kinda hazed her by sending her in to take vital signs
on the victim of a motorcycle accident that came in in several pieces

These things are pretty scarring
I guess you gotta see it sometime in that line of work, but that is a pretty horrible TRICK to play
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I've have my MP3 500 for a week and I'm getting all these comments and lectures daily. Not sure why people like to lecture you how 'dangerous' riding a vehicle with less than 4 wheels but I plan on riding as safely as possible and doing what I can to minimize any risks of a crash.

I'm not stupid, I'm not new to scootering so hopefully they'll get fed up of the comments when the novelty wears off for them. So far i just smile and let them rant.
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Alright, I'll probably get on someones shit list for this, but aren't generalizations in any demographic kinda negative?

I'm not all "tolerance for prius drivers!" (more like "tolerance for everyone."), but I hate being judged based on something shallow or petty when someone doesn't know me. I really can't imagine every prius driver to be an asshole.

We've beaten this topic to death. I think we talk about the prius more than the damn scooters we ride. I just wish people would not hate people for stupid shit and be a little more laid back. Holy crap, is a car so damn important to hate people over? I'm pretty sure you've just alienated people on this board because of it.

There are waaay more important things to hate people over. Razz emoticon

end rant.
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megnez wrote:
Alright, I'll probably get on someones shit list for this, but aren't generalizations in any demographic kinda negative?

I'm not all "tolerance for prius drivers!" (more like "tolerance for everyone."), but I hate being judged based on something shallow or petty when someone doesn't know me. I really can't imagine every prius driver to be an asshole.

We've beaten this topic to death. I think we talk about the prius more than the damn scooters we ride. I just wish people would not hate people for stupid shit and be a little more laid back. Holy crap, is a car so damn important to hate people over? I'm pretty sure you've just alienated people on this board because of it.

There are waaay more important things to hate people over. Razz emoticon

end rant.
Hell, I did not even know that scooterist hated other scooter riders until I got one a couple of years ago: Chinese vs non Chinese, Plastic vs metal, vintage vs non vintage, asian resto vs non death trap, paint or patina, corn cobs or poles. And you can expand into each of those ad nauseum.

edit - outsiders find this very laughable as we are talking about scooters here but damn if it isn't visceral.
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you just have to be careful around those Prius' (what's the plural of Prius?). They can sneak up behind you all silent like and run you down. There was a joke about that on the show Weeds where the gang leader bought a fleet of them for his gang to roll up all stealth like for his drive bys.
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I would just tell him that his Prius is a gas guzzler.

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Paul G. wrote:
Nobody knows how they're going to die, but at least my death won't involve an 800 lb. battery crammed up my ass.

Unless you get rear ended by a Prius.

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megnez wrote:
Alright, I'll probably get on someones shit list for this, but aren't generalizations in any demographic kinda negative?

There are waaay more important things to hate people over. Razz emoticon

end rant.
I totally agree!
(But some Prius owners are truly no end to annoying )
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megnez wrote:
Alright, I'll probably get on someones shit list for this, but aren't generalizations in any demographic kinda negative?
Sure. But so is getting stuck behind a Prius driver in the carpool lane every single day, with a mile of open lane in front of them and a thousand pissed-off commuters behind them.

And no, it's not always the same Prius.

(I commute two hours each day. Prius drivers are the bane of my existence, and I've got plenty of observation time to back up that assessment).

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I drive a Prius (actually my 4th) and ride a gts250. There are small minded people who drive a prius as there are small minded people who ride scooters.
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May I ask why you are on your 4th? I've been wondering about the longevity of the hybrids...
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griffin1108 wrote:
Paul G. wrote:
Nobody knows how they're going to die, but at least my death won't involve an 800 lb. battery crammed up my ass.

Unless you get rear ended by a Prius.
Double ouch!!!

Razz emoticon

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4th prius
Its my fourth because small improvements happen each year. The 2010 is by far the best. I drive it the way I would drive any other car and have been averaging 52-54 mpg at 70-75 mph on the interstate and even better milage around town. The 2010 is completely redesigned inside and out. And guess what - it doesn't take away from your manhood and still allows you to ride scoots with the less accepting smaller minded. Ref the durability of the prius - had one with 130k miles on it and never a problem.
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Re: 4th prius
bradysplace wrote:
Its my fourth because small improvements happen each year. The 2010 is by far the best. I drive it the way I would drive any other car and have been averaging 52-54 mpg at 70-75 mph on the interstate and even better milage around town. The 2010 is completely redesigned inside and out. And guess what - it doesn't take away from your manhood and still allows you to ride scoots with the less accepting smaller minded. Ref the durability of the prius - had one with 130k miles on it and never a problem.
Very nice to hear!
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jess wrote:
Sure. But so is getting stuck behind a Prius driver in the carpool lane every single day, with a mile of open lane in front of them and a thousand pissed-off commuters behind them.

And no, it's not always the same Prius.

(I commute two hours each day. Prius drivers are the bane of my existence, and I've got plenty of observation time to back up that assessment).
L from Jersey wrote:
(But some Prius owners are truly no end to annoying )
I totally respect your frustration. However, I again state, not every prius owner is an asshole, and its not very nice to call someone an asshole when they're not. Razz emoticon

Let me tell you, I totally understand. I feel the same way about Hummers/big trucks/big SUV's. I hate them (the vehicles that is), really I do, a lot of their owners are assholes, but I would never state "All Hummer/big truck/big SUV drivers are all stupid ignorant selfish assholes!", because I have enough sense to know that that can't possibly be true.

I would never hate someone before knowing them. The problem is that it's not just 'not knowing' in this case, because in the statements made here, you haven't had any contact with most of the people you claim to hate.

There have been 1.2 million Priuses sold from 1997 to early 2009 (according to wikipedia). How many of those have you actually come in contact with? I'll go with a very generous 200. That means you just stated that 1,199,800 people are 'annoying elitist assholes' based solely on an object they bought.

And yes, I realize that not all of these vehicles are still in use, but even so, it still allows the ridiculousness of the statement to sink in here.

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read somewhere that fuel efficiency was number three or four on the list of prius owners, being cool and shit was number one
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Benito wrote:
My dentist tried to talk me out of riding also saying it is dangerous yadda yadda as if I wasn't already aware of the risks.
Heh!... my dentist is a Harley rider.

Ding! Ding! Post 1K!... I wanna toaster!
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Probably not worth discussing whether the Prius is good or bad on a Vespa forum, really.

The initial issue isn't even very clear to me any more - my original thought was "ok we're mad because the guy we defended for getting rid of his Mustang for a Prius the other day is now biting us in the butt"

But then Rex said "well, he's always given me this spiel, even before the Prius kick" and "he was just concerned for my safety"

So... what is really the subject matter we are supposed to be discussing?

That the Prius driver is unduly concerned about the two-wheel lifestyle? Seems this has nothing to do with the fact he drives a Prius, and yet we aren't even discussing THAT.

Rather, we are discussing whether Prius drivers generally suck, whether SUV drivers generally suck, what the longevity of a Prius is (in my case), or the philosophical issues around transferring anger at certain individuals from one of these groups for how they drive or talk to us at the pump to the rest of the Prius or SUV population.

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