Remember Mr. Prius?
He walks in to my office and asks if I had any plans for the weekend.
"Yes I do. I'm riding my motorcycle to San Clemente this weekend for a motorcycle rally," I said.
"Ahh, you're getting on your tough bike." He said.
"Yeah, my tough bike, and what, my Vespa is the sissy bike?" I said jokingly.
We get a little chuckle. He says, "Well, I'm the sissy one. I won't even get on any two wheels. Do you know why?"
I didn't answer.
"I'll tell you why," he sits down and continues. "My parents are divorced and when I stayed with my father [he was an orthopedic surgeon] he would drag me to the hospital in the middle of the night and in the ER, there's a little crack in the curtain and all I see was blood everywhere, the guy screaming..."
I interrupt him and said, "Do you really want to tell me this?"
He pauses..."Well, yeah, because I wouldn't want you to..."
I interrupt him again and said, "Do you think I don't already know the dangers?"
People have their beliefs and it would be nice of we all respect each other's. When people start to push their beliefs on you [and it doesn't even have to be political, environmental, or religious] then we have a problem.