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Ol' Gregg wrote:
4. Toyota's are "kmart cars" - meaning cheap to repair and you can find cheap parts at kmart and auto stores
5. V-dubs are euro cars and come with a euro price tag. Not that the prius was cheap, just cheaper for services and outright purchase. just saying.
At least in the US the Prius costs the same as a TDI Jetta. And I'm not so sure about all the parts and labor being cheap on a Prius... Toyotas in general have that reputation, but hybrids are complicated to work on in almost every way, having CVT transmissions, an incredibly sophisticated electronics system, an enormous battery which must be replaced after a while for $2200-2500 (though that is covered for the first 8 years under warranty, I believe).

I don't even own a car at the moment, and haven't for 5 years or so, I'm just saying that here in the US a Prius is probably easily as expensive as a TDI VW. And once you factor in that the TDI gets generally better fuel economy and will presumably go for 300+ thousand miles...

But you know what, I honestly don't know why I continue to post in this thread. As I said, I don't even own a car. I also have stated above that I wouldn't mind a hybrid car. So hey, what the hell do I care, eh? I'm gonna go look for a mechanical discussion pertaining to Vespas or something... let the warring factions duke it out as they will Clown emoticon
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I'd go for the VW every time. It's faster, will last forever, gets great mpg, and I dunno, just couldn't drive a Prius? It's the owners that put me off, I know I say image is nothing and thirst is everything and blah blah but honestly, I have not yet met a Pious driver who didn't think they were doing the world a great big favour and ram said 'fact' down the throats of everyone within earshot. In fact I haven't yet encountered a Pious driver who didn't think they were a fuckin' authority on EVERYTHING.

Sorry Prius-driving MVers. For every single decent person within a demographic group there's at least 3 more shitheads, and I'm tarring you with the same brush. Insult me if you like, I have thick skin

Driving a VW diesel is still treading lightly on the earth...without a great big hypocritical flag on top.

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jess wrote:
Sure. But so is getting stuck behind a Prius driver in the carpool lane every single day, with a mile of open lane in front of them and a thousand pissed-off commuters behind them.

And no, it's not always the same Prius.

(I commute two hours each day. Prius drivers are the bane of my existence, and I've got plenty of observation time to back up that assessment).
Not that you need more credibility, but I'll second your animosity. My experience and observations are nearly identical to yours.
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Hey folks, let's all try to get along here. I'm sure there are some very nice Prius owners amongst us, let's not paint all people with the same brush based on their choice of automobile. That would hardly be a fair thing to do.
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I agree Benito... would we scooterists all want to judged the same way simply because we enjoy scoots?
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I know only two people that have owned a prius. A coworker who only bought it because he thought he would save money on fuel since he had a long commute. Drove it for a year and got fed up with it's lack of power so he sold it and bought a civic. The other drives hers because she is gonna save the planet...which is noble if that is what she really believes. Unfortunately, like and ex smoker, she is always telling people the error of thier ways by not joining her in priuship. She loved it though when I told her about my mp3, but still wants me to get rid of my silverado.

Takes all kinds....aren't' you glad...would be boring otherwise.
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Here's a new picture.

The Prius went over the line.

External inline image provided by member with no explanatory text

For the record, I'm not a Prius or Prius driver hater. I was just pointing out what he did a few days ago. We started calling him Mr. Prius because a few days before, the guys were giving him shit about his Prius.

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Re: 2nd floor
xantufrog wrote:
At least in the US the Prius costs the same as a TDI Jetta.
yeah your right, a few grand more....but pretty much the same. Bought a 2008 prius for around $26,000 with less then 8,000km on it. Could have got a Jetta TDI for $33,000. I like diesels (my old Hilux was one) and there are a few Bio-diesels popping up around town. Although there is none of that fancy blue motion stuff around here. Fiat 500 makes a VW look like tits on a bull


Dunno why I bought a prius. But then again why did I buy a Vespa?

And to be honest I am getting pretty bored of this thread. I am talking about my prius (which is just a car) more then the love of my life (my Vespa)
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My 04 Prius is the best car I have ever owned/driven. When I first bought it, I got a loooooong survey from Toyota (that I stopped responding to when they asked my income).....but many of the questions had to do with whether it was important to me to have others know that I drove a hybrid (through styling, car labeling etc.) The answer is no. I drive it for me (and the environment), not for you. Frankly, I know many more Prius drivers these days and not one of them fits the description of the self-righteous person you seem to be describing. Perhaps Mr. Prius is an aberration and the rest of us should not be painted with his brush.

Oh yes, I like my Vespa too.
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