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I downloaded a program (free) called PocketDyno and tried it out today - it had a pretty accurate result for hp (20) and gave a 0-60 that is right what we've seen - 11.58s in almost exactly an 1/8mi. Pretty cool stuff for a free app, it does have ads but hey for free... don't complain! Going to try it in my cars too at some point - I know the exact weight of my Miata since I used to race it and it has been cornerweighted so we'll see how accurate it is there too.

In case anyone is curious - I used 500lb total weight and got:

0-10 .69s
0-20 1.90s
0-30 3.24s
0-40 5.01s
0-50 7.76s
0-60 11.58s

A really interesting # and why we can smoke most cars off the line is the 60' # which was just 2.65s - considered a decent # for a street driven drag car.

Will do a top speed run & 1/4mi at some point too.
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how does it know how fast you are going, and what sort of rpm you are putting out??
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It uses the accelerometer I *assume* - the speeds match what I've seen using a GPS (so 60 was about 65-68 on the speedo) so pretty accurate. Plus the #s all match what we'd expect a stock 250 to do.

I did not look at RPMs while I was doing this and I've yet to redline it with me (125lbs) riding the highway at ~85 indicated and accelerating.
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Pocket Dyno uses the accelerometer only. good results for a short period of time if you do it on level ground and start form a standing start. It has to integrate the acceleration to get speed and this adds error (due to the constant assumed to be zero) that grows over time.

Spinning in circle I hit 133mph, pulled in a 10.4s 1/4 mile, 1-100 in 5.06s

Been playing with g-tac as well and it seems to use the GPS. This can be used to fill in the position and speed data and prevent the errors of only using the accelerometer. but it's not a dyno, just a g-meter.

spinning I did 0-100 in 2.78s and 6.90s 1/4 mile @ 251mph

I've also had two glasses of wine, I'm feeling kind of dizzy, and a little sick. no more spinning for me.
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when's the Modern Vespa app coming out? the mobile version of mv?
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The Hornet (GT200, aka Love Bug) and 'Dimples' - a GTS 300
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I have to ask - what do you think '#' means?
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jimc wrote:
I have to ask - what do you think '#' means?
"Number", no doubt.
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2006 GTS 250ie - SOLD
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In this instance, # equals "number" not "pound" or "hash" which are the two other usages I know. Fairly common usage in the US is "number". I have to ask - what do you think '#' means? Not sure why I abbreviated it either but...

No attempt at cheating by me Just floored it from a stop, it's Florida so you know I was on the flats!

Is anyone aware of an accelerometer/GPS based performance program? Preferably one that can do track maps, etc? I used to use such a device with our race Miatas when we were dialing them in. I saw a few that will do simple lateral G/friction circle type diagrams but that's it.
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# is also a shorthand for fracture in medicine.
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I dropped 5 # pot of corned beef # on my foot and it did a # on me. X-rays showed a #.

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