Dear San Diego Scooter Enthusiasts and Friends,
Anyone remember that old guy with the bola tie who used to come on TV late night to hawk used cars while standing next to a tiger? At the time I always thought to myself, "What a nut! This guy thinks that with a tiger in the commercial I'm gonna drive to Orange County for a stupid used car?!"
There's a reason I'm reminded of him today, though, because as I write to you I'm feeling like I need a tiger. That's right: I need a live tiger standing right next to me in my email. That's how crazy this email is about to get.
First of all, we had a blast at Amerivespa 2009, so thanks to all of our friends who stopped by our booth and said hello. Back at the shop we've been twittering a little, running the air conditioning, and not emailing so much, but don't be deceived by our recent reticence. The only reason we've been so quiet lately is that we've been planning a super slam-bang Fantasmabash previously known only by the codeword "NC 17".
Today, friends, I can finally tell you all about NC 17 ("No Cars 17"), but first let me get the tiger...
Catfish and Barry
(That's me, Catfish, on the right. So just listen while Barry (the tiger's named Barry) and I are reading this email right into the porches of your ears.)
Firstly, our August 8th NC-17 event will feature the following ONE-DAY-ONLY sales. Tell the folks about the sales, Barry!
* We're having an Insane Animal-lover Scooter Sale (price list with discounts attached to this email). These are some of the most animal-loving discounts we've ever offered on new scooters.
* In addition, all new scooter sales will have the option of a GIVI top case and a helmet thrown in for free!
* We've also got some wicked emo financing deals on Buddies and Kymcos!
You should forward this email to any of your friends who may be interested in buying a new scooter because this will be the day to go for it!
* Our store-wide sale will also include 30% off regular retail price for all items in stock.
* (Prices are limited to in-stock items only and do not include stuff not here, back-ordered stuff, or special-order stuff.)
* If you want parts, please please please email your complete parts list in advance to (part numbers greatly appreciated). We're going to be too busy to go back and hunt up the stuff you need only to be told "Oh yeah, there's one more thing I forgot..."
The NC-17 event itself, featuring the following insane-o stuff, is going to be antic! Check it out:
Saturday August 8th at Motorsport Scooters:
* 9AM: Continental breakfast!
* 9AM-2PM: Enter your scooter in the Scooter Show for prizes in the following categories:
1: Best Vintage/Sickest Vintage Steelhorse
2: Best Modern Custom Scooter/Just Badass new Ride
3: Worst Scooter new or old/This Thing is a pile
4: People's choice/Too cool for school
5: Best Vintage Restoration/Sweet Bonerable Snow Leopard
* 10:00AM-Noon: Meet the Law Tiger (unaffiliated with Barry the tiger). You'll get a chance to spin the Law Tigers' magic wheel of prizes!
* Noon-2:00PM: Carne or Pollo Asada BBQ. If you can't decide, there will also be "carn-icken" tacos. Non-alcoholic drinks will be provided as well as something vegetarian.
* 2:30PM-5:00PM: The Alley Rally Scooter Scavenger Hunt Extraordinaire.
The Alley Rally Scooter Scavenger Hunt Extraordinaire
Here's how it'll go down: teams of 3 will go on a scavenger hunt throughout the city on their scooters. You'll need to branch out and recruit some fellow scooterists who really know the Greater North Park Area for your team, but you'll also need to come up with a sweet team name to help you succeed. There will be a sign-up sheet posted next to the front door early on Saturday morning. PLEASE GET YOUR TEAM TOGETHER AND SIGN UP EARLY BECAUSE SPACE WILL BE LIMITED. VALUABLE AWESOME PRIZES WILL BE REWARDED TO THE TOP THREE TEAMS. THIS will be the most fun you've ever had on a scooter.
* 6:00PM: Awards will be presented for the Scooter Show and the Scavenger Hunt. We will also be hanging out and preparing for the Dice Game. No Making Out at this point (you know who you are).
* 6:30PM: DICE GAME back at the shop
Dice Game
Are you tired of raffles? We sure are. They're long, drawn out, and boring. Bingo at our "sweet 16" was a blast but we can't do that again, so this year we're going to dish out all the "FREE SCHWAG" in a new crazy way. No need to buy raffle tickets or Bingo cards but you WILL NEED A WRIST BAND TO PARTICIPATE. Unlike at a raffle or Bingo, we promise that everyone will go home a winner. We refer to this as the DICE GAME, a family tradition of ours like no other. It will be the most exciting 8 minutes of your life and the best money you have ever spent. The grand prize will be a brand new scooter from Motorsport Scooters and as long as you can roll a pair of dice your chances of winning wll be just as good as the next guy. PLEASE SEE ALEX'S WIFE MONICA THE DAY OF THE EVENT TO BUY YOUR WRIST BAND, (to be included in your rally pack).
To get some food and take part in the dice game you'll need a wrist band, which will require a $20 entry fee, but you'll get more than your money's worth of stuff back: 1) you can win a scooter, 2) you get a commemorative goodie cooler with a collectible t-shirt and various other craps, and 3) we will even be donating a portion of the proceeds to paint a mural celebrating 80 years of El Cajon Boulevard on the Center Laundry Building (3363 El Cajon Blvd).
You won't want to miss this because it is going to be epic. All the animals in the animal kingdom are going to be talking about it for years, and you will too.
Thanks and Ride safely!
Motorsport Scooters in North Park San Diego
Your source for new scooters, parts, supplies, and awesome fun things!