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Hit this morning, knocked into the smart. Driver gone before I could get out the door. He hit the bike knocked it into the back of the smart ( about 5 feet) then sideswiped the smart getting away.
Called the police, but they didn't seem too inclined to investigate. They just took my name and number.
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I just got the steering bearings fixed last month.
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Sorry to hear that. It seems nobody likes to take responsibilty for their mistakes anymore.
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Way sorry to hear of this. Some folks are just shits. Hopefully you can get insurance to cover it...
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Ouch! Sorry to hear it.
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Install a Costco video monitoring system. That is just F'd up
@corsader avatar

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Also sorry to hear. I felt my blood pressure rise when I read. Maybe Karma will catch up to the SOB.
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That's terrible
A sad day for the MP3, so sorry to see this happen to you, a fellow rider.
I wonder if the front end could be repaired/realigned after sustaining such damage?
@jacq avatar

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I'm very glad you're okay...that IS the most important thing....but ...Damnit....
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glad your ok, sorry to see you scoot all tore up
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Scoot is totaled I bet.
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Damn that SMARTS!! Sorry couldn't help myself. Wha? emoticon Real bummer to hear you got two vehicles hit n run at same time... BUT, glad you weren't in/on either when it occurred.
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What a shame... I feel bad for you.

Hit and run drivers are among the lowest forms of life on the planet. You're lucky you were not on the bike because I'd bet that same driver would've bailed in that case as well. Hope it's insured.

@jacq avatar

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May I ask if your scoot was insured. Is it totaled....I'm thinking if it's totaled, then don't you have some parts that can be salvaged to use on either another MP3 for you or you'll have these parts available to sell to individuals...I see a this an opportunity to get some cash on the side...Is that possible?
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By the look of it the whole frame is twisted - and the rear may have had considerable damage as well.

My guess is that it is uneconomic to repair, and will be written-off.

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jimc wrote:
My guess is that it is uneconomic to repair, and will be written-off.
I agree. Just from the little ding that I had cost the guy's insurance company a bit over $1800 in plastic damage. Judging from the pictures, there's over $3000 in plastic alone. It should be written-off.

Thank goodness that it was a parked hit and run and no one was on it.

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That's a friggin' NIGHTMARE come true! There's a maggot running loose out there ready to do it again! Bastard! I feel very badly for you.....and the authorities you contacted....useless!

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Ooooh, hit and runs make my blood boil!

Is the Smart yours too?
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Was this machine well insured?
@jagony avatar

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Yes, it had full coverage. It will start and run and the tilt lock still works, but all the parts no longer point in the same direction. I showed my dealer the pictures yesterday, and he said it looked totaled to him.
The insurance agent will be out Tuesday and he will look at the bike and call the dealer, who is the only Piaggio dealer in town, to get estimates.
I hope to get replacement value, which around here seems to be about $6200.00. But you never know.
Yes Ratboy, the smart is mine.

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Bummer, sorry to hear that not only did your MP3 get whacked but so did your Smart...
@sushiman007 avatar

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Columbus, Ohio, hmmm... How many paint & body shops could there be? If the cops don't wanna help, perhaps...I don't know, you should investigate it yourself. You have got multiple-vehicle damages, and why, I don't get it, wouldn't the cops wanna get involved??

Are they really that stu..., or laz.? Wait, that's not pc, besides I heard the beer store called, and they have run out of Blue Moon.
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sushiman007 wrote:
Columbus, Ohio, hmmm... How many paint & body shops could there be? If the cops don't wanna help, perhaps...I don't know, you should investigate it yourself. You have got multiple-vehicle damages, and why, I don't get it, wouldn't the cops wanna get involved??

Are they really that stu..., or laz.? Wait, that's not pc, besides I heard the beer store called, and they have run out of Blue Moon.
Maybe if you find the individual and hurt them, they won't come to that either?
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Beer will slove all the problems :)
mjm50cal, you wanna lend this guy your 50-caliber?

No, No, No, that ain't right! But chances are the cops should be able to get some reports from all the body shops around and narrow down to the hit-n-run guy, if he, or she's from the area..., maybe.
@jagony avatar

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The police told me that this happens frequently in my area. There are a lot of touristy places, bars, restaurants and such, and the streets are narrow.
There are a lot of body shops and paint shops in Columbus, plus a lot of backyard mechanics. I have looked around my area, but couldn't find any damage to match mine.
This is probably a popular area in which to drive drunk because the police just throw up their hands and say it happens all the time. This happened at 5:00 A.M. so I don't think the driver was even drunk.
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The damage looks like the behavior of a drunk. Hit and Run, you say? Still sounds like a drunk...that can be a local guy or a tourist...A drunk is a drunk....drinking and driving .... phoning and driving ....texting and driver.....
If the insurance guys wantst to talk to the dealer, then it sounds like he'll go with totalling the scooter...

Either way.....Good Luck....jacq
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City Street Blues
Jagony wrote:
The police told me that this happens frequently in my area. There are a lot of touristy places, bars, restaurants and such, and the streets are narrow... This is probably a popular area in which to drive drunk because the police just throw up their hands and say it happens all the time. This happened at 5:00 A.M. so I don't think the driver was even drunk.
Street parking sucks! There's no way you could stash the scooter off the busy street, in a driveway, or in the backyard, anywhere else to make it more secure? I am guessing the answer is "no", otherwise you would have parked the Smart off the street, too, huh?
@noth avatar

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1st off if it is totaled.. The Insurance company owns the scoot.. unless you buy the salvage from them so as far as parts go.. thats how you get them... If the value is $6500... you'll have to show around $4,500 in damage to justify a total vs. repair.. it's not about the damage it's about ths cost of repair compared to value..
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God that sucks. Anyway, glad you are insured...have you picked out a new one yet?
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Glad you are OK. That is the most important thing. I would be asking everyone around if they saw anything at all. You probably all ready did but it's a shot (a long one).
@jagony avatar

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The insurance has totaled the scooter. Frame is bent and every piece of plastic on the front has a crack in it. The handle bars may be bent. It still runs and the tilt lock still works, so some one may get something out of it.
This was the first scooter I had ever owned and I will miss it. I have decided to try other types of scooters for the next year to see if I like them any better. I will be saving my pennies though, and am planning to buy a MP3 400 next year. The insurance payment, while generous, will not cover the $ 11,000 OTD cost of a new 400 at my local Piaggio dealer. I do not want to finance.
Ciao for now.

P.S. Never did find the culprit.
@luthorhuss avatar

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Re: R.I.P.
Jagony wrote:
The insurance has totaled the scooter. Frame is bent and every piece of plastic on the front has a crack in it. The handle bars may be bent. It still runs and the tilt lock still works, so some one may get something out of it.
This was the first scooter I had ever owned and I will miss it. I have decided to try other types of scooters for the next year to see if I like them any better. I will be saving my pennies though, and am planning to buy a MP3 400 next year. The insurance payment, while generous, will not cover the $ 11,000 OTD cost of a new 400 at my local Piaggio dealer. I do not want to finance.
Ciao for now.

P.S. Never did find the culprit.
$11,000!!!!!! Dude, don't buy another scooter just yet!!! That price is ridiculous! You need to call other dealers or look for slightly used! I got my 500 for less than that OTD. Seriously, you should be able to get a new 400 OTD for around 9000...just look around or like I said, look for slightly used.
@jagony avatar

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He also told me he would sell me a new Genuine Stella at his cost. $2,700.
I tried not to laugh in his face when he told me the price of the MP3 400, I mean he must think I can't find my way to other dealers outside of this area.
This is one of the reasons I am checking into other scooters, they are the only Piaggio-Vespa dealer in town and I've not had a very good experience dealing with them. I get better service on the cheap Chinese 150 I bought at a Coffee shop-scooter shop combined.
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@luthorhuss avatar
R.I.P. ----K.I.T.T.500, Agent Orange (400)
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Jagony wrote:
He also told me he would sell me a new Genuine Stella at his cost. $2,700.
I tried not to laugh in his face when he told me the price of the MP3 400, I mean he must think I can't find my way to other dealers outside of this area.
This is one of the reasons I am checking into other scooters, they are the only Piaggio-Vespa dealer in town and I've not had a very good experience dealing with them. I get better service on the cheap Chinese 150 I bought at a Coffee shop-scooter shop combined.
That IS a good price for a Stella and I'd likely buy it. I think you might have the same mindset as me which is that I eventually intend to purchase a Stella outright for around town stuff and use my 500 for longer rides, or in your case, a 400. I love my Mp3, but I also love the old school Stella look thanks to the Vespa design.

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