bklwashere wrote:
DoorBuster wrote:
I read this yesterday and it's been nagging at me since then. I don't have any of that in my pet carrier on my 07 BV 250. Not even holes that would be where that was fastened if it had been removed. I got mine brand new in 07.
Or is it something that I'm not getting when I look at the picture? Which probably wouldn't surprise me either.
There is a panel that covers all these components (the "shelf" mentioned in the orignial post). Remove a few screws and it will lift right up and reveal the evap system.
Thanks for the help. I've never had the rear part of the pet carrier off. That's what threw me. I saw the light and the power source along with the little door that has the VIN number behind it (Ithink). Nothing else looked familiar. Now when I get a chance I'll have to take that out and take a look see. Since I haven't had any problems with it I'll just leave it alone for now. Once again thanks.
By the way I entered good karma to both you and dru for your help.