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It was late in the afternoon as I pulled onto the Walmart's parking lot, with almost no traffic around, but then to my shock & surprise I was getting Blasted with Huge Air Horn's which sounded like 3 or 4 Semi Tractor Trailer Trucks coming at me from all sides about to run over me, but there were no trucks around and then when I looked up, about 15 feet over my head was a formation of long neck Geese, which living my entire life in Florida I had never seen this close up or had them blow there trumpets at me, and yes it gave me quite a scare, but after I composed myself, I found it to be a beautiful site as they were heading West over the large parking lot, with an occasional HONK, now I wish I had taken my camera with me.
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Very nice. Can I breath now?
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Geese are incredibly loud and if you startle them ... they are astoundingly loud. I had the same thing happen in Anegada (an island in the BVI) once when I accidentally startled a bunch of Caribbean Flamingos! They are equally loud and easily bothered by the way!

Beautiful but really, really loud!

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They are all over this area, they make a mess and are a big nascence. Think we should trap them and donate the meat to food banks.

Wayne B
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The worst part about geese is the poop. That stuff is like acid which gets everywhere. At least they didn't dive bomb you.
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Wayne B wrote:
They are all over this area, they make a mess and are a big nascence. Think we should trap them and donate the meat to food banks.

If everything that caused a mess should be trapped and eaten, we humans better look out. Laughing emoticon
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Grew up in PA and NJ. Canada Geese are considered to be 'feathered rats' there just above pigeons and toll booths on the annoyance scale. BTW, rats are not considered nuisance animals unless they outweigh the family dog. Razz emoticon

Their crap kills lawns and fouls water (since they will congregate at almost any pond size, even those too small to support a population) and they harass other waterfowl like ducks.

Many a day I would have liked me a fresh goose dinner.
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i shoot about 50 of them every year, if that helps
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BleuBelle wrote:
Canada Geese are considered to be 'feathered rats' there just above pigeons and toll booths on the annoyance scale.
They are hated here. They should be hunted to near-extinction.
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HUTCH816 wrote:
It was late in the afternoon as I pulled onto the Walmart's parking lot, with almost no traffic around, but then to my shock & surprise I was getting Blasted with Huge Air Horn's which sounded like 3 or 4 Semi Tractor Trailer Trucks coming at me from all sides about to run over me, but there were no trucks around and then when I looked up, about 15 feet over my head was a formation of long neck Geese, which living my entire life in Florida I had never seen this close up or had them blow there trumpets at me, and yes it gave me quite a scare, but after I composed myself, I found it to be a beautiful site as they were heading West over the large parking lot, with an occasional HONK, now I wish I had taken my camera with me.
Good thing you didn't have a Stebel horn to reply with. The whole flock would probably have tried to mate with you.

Maybe not a bad thing. Razz emoticon
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My business is next to a lake and the geese are honking overhead regularly. I think it's cool. As a rule, I like birds.

But feathered rats? Well, yeah. Over the last several years they have become so much of a problem in North Park (It's the big park that's, umm, North, of Pittsburgh) that drastic and (as always) controversial measures have been taken to reduce their population in recent years.

It was bad. Talk about a crap-storm. It was everywhere. For those who don't know, their droppings aren't those cute little white splats that we know and love so much. The park looked like a thousand crazed lap dogs got together for a gang potty.

I'd be happy to see them go away.
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We rarely see geese here. Our feathered rats are crows.
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The Canadian geese fet down here to Jacksonville Florida to. The University of North Florida sits on a wildlife preserve and the geese camp out there for part of the year, so riding on campus going to class can be adventuresome. They will come out of nowhere and charge at you if you startle them. Saw a gator pluck one off the bank of a pond one day. That was pretty cool...
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They are great for gumbo guys!
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wow! but nope, never happened to me!
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I've never been surprised by geese but I was once making my way through a jungle in Central America and suddenly had a bunch of howler monkeys come charging towards me through the trees. They made a hell of a noise and scared the cr@p out of me - I figured it best to take another route around them.
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I live near the beach here in Toronto. We have Canada Geese galore here. Yes they are loud and I totally agree, it is their poop that is really really nasty. Green poop, and lots of it.

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Yep, it happens often around here when they're either migrating to the south or back to the north each year. And you're correct....They are VERY LOUD!
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A guy gets on a crowded elevator and after a couple of minutes hollers "I've been geesed! I've been geesed!"

Another rider corrects him and says "You mean you've been goosed."

The guy replies "I can count! I can count!" Razz emoticon
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mike_bike_kite wrote:
I've never been surprised by geese but I was once making my way through a jungle in Central America and suddenly had a bunch of howler monkeys come charging towards me through the trees. They made a hell of a noise and scared the cr@p out of me - I figured it best to take another route around them.
Great story.

The clue is in their name. The moderately volumed monkeys probably don't bother making a fuss.

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Geese are also highly territorial and belligerent

Back in my bicycle commuter days in NJ,
they used to chase me & my bike around, squawking

Then my employer hired a bunch of highly energetic herding dogs (springer spaniels?)
to chase them around a couple of times a week until they moved on

This worked!... 8)
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Geese are used as a security measure in some places as they can be very aggressive and when disturbed, they are VERY loud.

Goose POOP is disgusting piles of back/green tar about the size of medium sized dog dirt.

I golfed at a public course with a pond, they had a pair of herding dogs and a guy with a whistle that would keep the geese off the course. He used the whistle to tell the dogs what to do and where to go. To my knowledge there were dogs and a handler there during the course's open hours, 7 days a week.

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Hutch, old buddy, if you're not a professional writer you should be. You had me hooked right after you pulled into the parking lot. I hate those geeses to pieces.
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TechGuy9707 wrote:
Geese are used as a security measure in some places as they can be very aggressive and when disturbed, they are VERY loud..

And slowly cooked, they are more delicious than any turkey or any duck. Ask me for the perfect recipe. If it only were not so hard to find them fresh and ready to be stuffed. Yummm
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My poor mother got knocked clean over while being menaced by our geese while pregnant with my younger sister. Those geese scared the hell out of me; I was terrified when I had to feed them & more terrified when gathering their eggs.
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