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On the way ride to work on my BV500 this morning, I was on the lane next to the shoulder, there was a lady driving a big SUV next to the lane that I was driving, she suddendly changed into my lane to exit at the last minutes without notice I was next to her. I slowed down right away because I predicted that her car was changing lane, so I am OK. Her left hand was hold the phone, to her ear and talking. I gave her a long Stebel horn. Please do not ride parallel to the cars, and always scan ahead to predict traffic moving around you. Just share my experience. Ride safe.
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four words

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Thanks for posting this reminder. SUVs aren't looking for scooters on the freeway, they're looking for their destination. Let's remember that scooters are invisible to most drivers.

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Re: Beware of last minutes cars exit on freeway
BV wrote:
On the way ride to work on my BV500 this morning, I was on the lane next to the shoulder, there was a lady driving a big SUV next to the lane that I was driving, she suddendly changed into my lane to exit at the last minutes without notice I was next to her. I slowed down right away because I predicted that her car was changing lane, so I am OK. Her left hand was hold the phone, to her ear and talking. I gave her a long Stebel horn. Please do not ride parallel to the cars, and always scan ahead to predict traffic moving around you. Just share my experience. Ride safe.
you must take extra care in your area its like liveing in a forign country
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I catch myself sometimes riding next to them in their blind spot area. Bad. I speed up or slow down depending on the situation to place myself in an area where they can (hopefully) see me.
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Rex wrote:
I catch myself sometimes riding next to them in their blind spot area. Bad. I speed up or slow down depending on the situation to place myself in an area where they can (hopefully) see me.
...and try to find a place where if (when?) they do move over into your lane you are not being squished against a guard rail or concrete wall... or another lane of traffic.
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Amen....applies to when I'm driving in a cage as well.

Telltale sign as well, is if a car that was in your blind spot, starts to slow down but hasn't indicated that they're going to change lanes. Next thing you know they're changing into your lane.
Rex wrote:
I catch myself sometimes riding next to them in their blind spot area. Bad. I speed up or slow down depending on the situation to place myself in an area where they can (hopefully) see me.
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If you see a person on the phone, expect the worst.
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Re: Beware of last minutes cars exit on freeway
BV wrote:
Her left hand was hold the phone, to her ear and talking.
And I thought holding a cell phone to your ear was not permitted in CA.
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Thanks for the excellent safety reminder! This happens in city traffic as well when someone in the left lane decides to turn right across the right lane...
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That's one reason why I prefer to ride in the fast lane.
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someone please design and build a cell phone zapper. so when I see an idiot on the roads taking I can zapp their asses and either shock them or blow their phone up.

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old as dirt wrote:
someone please design and build a cell phone zapper. so when I see an idiot on the roads taking I can zapp their asses and either shock them or blow their phone up.
Laughing emoticon I would not be able to prevent myself from doing that to people just for getting on my tits.

Neds on buses playing shite music through their phone speakers? <BOOM> What neds?
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Good reminder and safety tip that we all need to heed. This is really the type of thing that happens in the city all the time. Everyone is too busy on the phone and texting instead of just driving. I can't wait until the new law here makes that type of thing illegal, it cannot happen soon enough.
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It is illegal around here and has had absolutely no effect. I was incredulous the other day when I slowly and carefully passed a car being a bit strange - as I passed I noticed that the driver was texting! She kept getting into near rear-enders with the cars in front of her.
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The problem is cops don't enforce it, even when it's on the books.

Not sure why, the revenue stream would pay for officers who only enforced that, full-time.
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TheJ wrote:
old as dirt wrote:
someone please design and build a cell phone zapper. so when I see an idiot on the roads taking I can zapp their asses and either shock them or blow their phone up.
Laughing emoticon I would not be able to prevent myself from doing that to people just for getting on my tits.

Neds on buses playing shite music through their phone speakers? <BOOM> What neds?
okay, so along with the two-tone horn, we now have another invention to sort out. perhaps nothing actively destructive - no reason to cause soft tissue damage - but just something that would cause cause all the internals to fuse together and kill the phone dead, BAM, just like that. no functionality, no signal, no sound, no inane conversation, nada. just a dead phone. you could watch them shaking it and tapping it and looking perplexed. i'd love that, i really would
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Benito wrote:
Good reminder and safety tip that we all need to heed. This is really the type of thing that happens in the city all the time. Everyone is too busy on the phone and texting instead of just driving. I can't wait until the new law here makes that type of thing illegal, it cannot happen soon enough.
it's been illegal here for some time, and has made absolutely no difference whatsoever. the police spend more time and energy handing out tickets for dangerous offences like riding pushbikes on the sidewalk

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genie wrote:
TheJ wrote:
old as dirt wrote:
someone please design and build a cell phone zapper. so when I see an idiot on the roads taking I can zapp their asses and either shock them or blow their phone up.
Laughing emoticon I would not be able to prevent myself from doing that to people just for getting on my tits.

Neds on buses playing shite music through their phone speakers? <BOOM> What neds?
okay, so along with the two-tone horn, we now have another invention to sort out. perhaps nothing actively destructive - no reason to cause soft tissue damage - but just something that would cause cause all the internals to fuse together and kill the phone dead, BAM, just like that. no functionality, no signal, no sound, no inane conversation, nada. just a dead phone. you could watch them shaking it and tapping it and looking perplexed. i'd love that, i really would
What, like a small directional EMP device? could be a bit dangerous if an old gezzer with a pace maker is between you and your target
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old as dirt wrote:
someone please design and build a cell phone zapper. so when I see an idiot on the roads taking I can zapp their asses and either shock them or blow their phone up.
Cellphone jammers are illegal.
As a side note there was a radio station that had a problem with their studio/transmitter link (STL). Their audio would drop out everyday between 5:25pm and 5:30 pm, for about 5 minutes- but only on weekdays. This was a news and traffic radio station. They looked for all of the normal problems a radio station would suspect to cause this problem to no avail. So, six months after this started, someone at the station had a clever thought..... Cellphones operates very near in frequency to their STL. SO they went out with special antennas and equipment during the time the outrages would typically occur. They finally found a big black SUV that was emitting nothing but noise throughout the 900MHz band. They followed the SUV home and asked what he was doing. It turned out to be a cellphone jammer. The guy ended up getting a VERY LARGE fine from the FCC for maliciously interference with a radio station that was the primary station in the area for the emergency alerting system, and interfering with other emergency systems such as 911. I believe the fine was $300,000 - but don't quote me on that. The driver's reasoning was- "I hate it when people talk on cellphones while driving, I'm afraid they'll crash into me."

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Muad'Dib wrote:
genie wrote:
TheJ wrote:
old as dirt wrote:
someone please design and build a cell phone zapper. so when I see an idiot on the roads taking I can zapp their asses and either shock them or blow their phone up.
Laughing emoticon I would not be able to prevent myself from doing that to people just for getting on my tits.

Neds on buses playing shite music through their phone speakers? <BOOM> What neds?
okay, so along with the two-tone horn, we now have another invention to sort out. perhaps nothing actively destructive - no reason to cause soft tissue damage - but just something that would cause cause all the internals to fuse together and kill the phone dead, BAM, just like that. no functionality, no signal, no sound, no inane conversation, nada. just a dead phone. you could watch them shaking it and tapping it and looking perplexed. i'd love that, i really would
What, like a small directional EMP device? could be a bit dangerous if an old gezzer with a pace maker is between you and your target
Spoil sport Razz emoticon Laughing emoticon
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genie wrote:
Benito wrote:
Good reminder and safety tip that we all need to heed. This is really the type of thing that happens in the city all the time. Everyone is too busy on the phone and texting instead of just driving. I can't wait until the new law here makes that type of thing illegal, it cannot happen soon enough.
it's been illegal here for some time, and has made absolutely no difference whatsoever. the police spend more time and energy handing out tickets for dangerous offences like riding pushbikes on the sidewalk
Damn really? That sucks, they need to be enforcing laws that make the roads safer for all of us.
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Yup, we don't have nearly enough traffic Police in the UK.
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I get the opposite happening,
I get people in the exit lane that are using the exit lane as a passing lane,
When they change lanes back into the highway they almost take me out.

If you are in the exit lane, Then you should exit,
Some people make me so mad using the exit lane as a passing lane.
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So true and much WORSE in rush hour traffic Another good reason not to work (rush hour traffic)

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Big Foot wrote:
I get the opposite happening,
I get people in the exit lane that are using the exit lane as a passing lane,
When they change lanes back into the highway they almost take me out.

If you are in the exit lane, Then you should exit,
Some people make me so mad using the exit lane as a passing lane.
There's a junction here where that happens pretty much whenever it gets a bit busy. The city exit is clear and the onward lanes are jammed right up so you get all sorts of BMWs running as far up the city exit as possible before trying to force their way back into the main carriageway, thus slowing the speed of the exiting traffic from 50 to 0 just after a blind(ish) corner. I always have a good shout at them, although it ain't nearly as infuriating on the bike as it is in the car.

For a while I felt occasionally guilty, thinking I might have been giving folk a hard time when they just didn't know the road, but then I realised there's thousands of pounds worth of gantries overhead to keep them right and if they can't successfully navigate a motorway junction with only two options to choose from, and configured in a pretty standard way (exit on left, onward traffic everywhere else) they're probably the type of person that's going to take out some unsuspecting PTW rider and shouldn't be on the fucking road.

Anyway, deep breaths, rant over - sorry folks, I hadn't even realised quite how strongly I felt about that.

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