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Dirt roads.
@tbone99 avatar

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Ouch! Crying or Very sad emoticon

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Owwww! Been there!

Make sure to get appropriate medical attention and get the wounds thoroughly cleaned up
That type of thing can leave nasty scars!
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Sorry about the crash, but LOVE the sad face! Classic. Hope you are ok....and the scoot also!

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Sorry to see you took a spill.

On a side note, that is a Great Powdy Face in the picture. Makes me feel that much worse for your pain

Wayne B
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I agree, best pouty face ever! Please keep those ouchies clean!
Now we've seen your injuries, but what happened to the scoot?! (Not that we're not glad you're basically all right)
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I have to stop riding in shorts. oooooooch
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Dirt roads.....what happened????
@jimc avatar

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Full marks for swallowing the pain and posting. I agree about 'one of the best pouty posts'.

But OUCH say I - and bruises will come out as well. I hope you have someone to soothe the next few days.

Anyway, more importantly, how's the bike?

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I bought it used and it had actually been laid down on the same side before, so I can't really see a difference... scratches in the same places. A reflector did get knocked off, but super easy fix, and I have some touch up paint which will take care of the resurfaced scratches--again lol.

I just turned on a corner on a dirt road a bit too sharply, there was also some gravel there so that didn't help very much. I scrubbed out the wounds for like an hour, so it's pretty cleaned out now. And I already had rocks in my knees from previous bicycle crashes as a kid, so I am already used to the scars Razz emoticon I went to the doctor to get my foot/big toe checked out because it was really sore, but just bruised not broken (yay) and I have some really nasty bruising on the side of my thigh. I couldn't really walk today, but I think I'll be fine tomorrow (happened yesterday morning) I tried to go to school yesterday and they sent me home (I crashed before school... and I was still a bit bloody ) and then my mom/doctor said "No." today lol
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Good positive vibes there.

A limit learned - and learning limits is good. Gravel and dirt can be ridden in just fine on any bike with a bit of throttle/rear brake/ (clutch) control, keeping the bike as upright as possible, and only ever turning very slowly. Unless on a bike designed for the surface that is, and I know there are some *very* experienced dirt riders here. They may contribute far better tips than me - but I'm just expressing what a normal road rider might say.
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takes a look .... Wha? emoticon .... faints
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The best advice for dirt and gravel roads, is to slow down, especially on corners.....had people that wonder why I go slow around corners.....
you learn, when you wipe out the first time.....I hope!!!

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Wow sorry about the crash, can you post picts of the scooter now. I hate gravel .
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That face! Breaks my heart.
See if you can convince your folks to get you a good jacket/pants combo:

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You deserve them!

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So sorry been there done that. Skin will grow back and you shouldn't have any scars. Make sure to use hydrogen peroxide to get the gravel bits out and scrub real good. The just wash and redress with a triple antibiotic cream daily. Don't use the peroxide after day 2 since it will kill the new skin cells. I hate gravel. Good luck and motrin is your friend. About 10-14 days and your good to go.
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Hot salty water - can't beat it and it's cheap!

Water as hot as is sensible, as much salt in it to the point it won't dissolve any more. Use saturated cotton wool to apply.
It hurts and itches but does the trick even after infection's set in.

It's saved me from infection (to which I seem prone) on many occasions.
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Sorry for the owies.
This is why you should dress like Zee. Better to sweat than to bleed.

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had you been wearing protective clothing you would have damaged some expensive riding gear - skin grows back and is free !!
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GTdespatchcourier wrote:
had you been wearing protective clothing you would have damaged some expensive riding gear - skin grows back and is free !!
Laughing emoticon true!

Echoing what others have already said...ouchies/commiserations/good pouting!
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ow gravel is a pain ... scooters don't seem to deal with it very well. or mud. ask me how i know
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AW ... poooor you! That has to smart!

Heal fast and make sure you save those photos to show your kids someday when they decide they want to ride a scooter, "just like Mommy"!

Hope you are able to fix your scooter up right as rain again and that you get back in the saddle quickly!

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Love the pictures.............hate the pain you're feeling. At least you're O.K. If you ride on many roads with dirt or loose gravel, you should look into buying some tires with a tread pattern that is not as likely to slide so easily. I rode dirt bikes for several years in my early to mid 20's and also rode in Motocross competitions for a couple of years. Without the right tires, the best of riders will fall when they're riding in dirt. I'm not sure which tire would be best for you but you might contact John who is the distributor for Heidenau tires, Phone:1-408-295-3004 and see what he has to say. I know that Heidenau makes several models of tires that have a tread pattern that would be better than what you probably have. Get well soon!
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GTdespatchcourier wrote:
had you been wearing protective clothing you would have damaged some expensive riding gear - skin grows back and is free !!
My kinda thinking, just wasn't brave enough to post it - I've often worried about my lovely jacket getting ruined if I were to come off the bike - Razz emoticon
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but so freaking cute
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kdude wrote:
but so freaking cute
I was thinking the same. I wished I looked that cute after a crash!
Bricheze wrote:
and I have some really nasty bruising on the side of my thigh.
Are we going to get pictures of this as well?

PS if it makes you feel any better I just fell of mine this morning
I don't think anyone would want to look at pictures of me though
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FYI - I know B from Scooter Diva....

She is just 16 years old.

"I turned 16 in April, because of permit stuff I am not allowed to get my actual license until next month. And I never took drivers ed anyways lol, even though my mom hassled me a lot..."

Just to let you know,

She is a cutie tho. B - I hope you get some good gear and no more owies!

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Ouch Crying or Very sad emoticon Get well soon
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Ouch, get well soon
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Cool your fine and a tough girl to boot. Lucky it wasn't you're gorgeous face thats what I say.
Good luck to getting back to enjoying your riding... Laughing emoticon
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Ouch! The only thing worse than pavement is gravel! Just slow that thing down a little! Did you ride or push it back home? Put some cream on that knee at night so it will stay soft and easy to move till it heals up. Glad you're OK
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My daughter told me a joke today:

What do you give a sick little piggy....Oink-ment
What do you give a sick little birdy....Tweet-ment.

I would be pout too

Gives me an idea...When soldiers get injured they get a purple heart.
We should make a special patch for riders that have gone down.
We can call it the purple pout. (I would have 2 so far).

Glad your well!
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Sorry to hear about and see the results of your accident on you. I know you've seen your doctor, but is your tetanus shot up to date? It needs to be done every ten years. Good gear is an essential.
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I thought tetnaus shots were every 10 years????

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nymr pskrt shts :rll: :P
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maurine7 wrote:
GTdespatchcourier wrote:
had you been wearing protective clothing you would have damaged some expensive riding gear - skin grows back and is free !!
My kinda thinking, just wasn't brave enough to post it - I've often worried about my lovely jacket getting ruined if I were to come off the bike - Razz emoticon
Exactly why it's a bad idea to wear a helmet! They are expensive and you don't want to ruin one in a crash when your skull can cave in and absorb the impact for free!
Razz emoticon
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You're tough!

That had to hurt. I'm glad you weren't seriously injured.

I know it's bound to happen to me sooner or later. I fear for my scooter more than I fear for myself.
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Desmolicious wrote:
maurine7 wrote:
GTdespatchcourier wrote:
had you been wearing protective clothing you would have damaged some expensive riding gear - skin grows back and is free !!
My kinda thinking, just wasn't brave enough to post it - I've often worried about my lovely jacket getting ruined if I were to come off the bike - Razz emoticon
Exactly why it's a bad idea to wear a helmet! They are expensive and you don't want to ruin one in a crash when your skull can cave in and absorb the impact for free!
Razz emoticon
na, from the neck up is very precious to me and it would cost more than the cost of my helmet to have facial reconstruction surgury should anything happen to my face let alone the hairdressing bills should my hair be stuck together and tangled with blood skin and anything else - my helmet being damaged isn't really an issue especially as I like the look of a new one that I need an excuse to buy Razz emoticon Razz emoticon Razz emoticon
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George R wrote:
I thought tetnaus shots were every 10 years????
Whoops, I meant every ten years. I've edited my original post to reflect the correction. I shouldn't post when I'm pressed for time and too busy.
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You know, it breaks my heart when I hear about people laying it down and hurting themselves, but it hurts my heart even more when it is such a pretty lady as yourself... Crying or Very sad emoticon Crying or Very sad emoticon Crying or Very sad emoticon Crying or Very sad emoticon Crying or Very sad emoticon Crying or Very sad emoticon

Glad you are o.k though.

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