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Edited as offending attachment was removed.
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I've removed an attachment from a post here as I felt it was an invasion of someone's privacy and really not appropriate.
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Papa J wrote:

Every new generation needs to learn for themselves... Or how else do we move on IF SOMEBODY DOESN'T DO IT?
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I cannot believe how off topic you all have taken this post.

I went back and read the OP and NO WHERE did she ask anyone for any advice on what she should or should not be wearing. You all are a bunch of self righteous jerks....trying to pour your "opinions and beliefs" on a 16 year old girl. Let her do what she wants to do and keep your nose out of her life unless she asks for your advice...which she clearly did NOT.

I am certain she has learned the value of protective clothing and riding skills from her spill. She was brave enough to put up pictures of herself on the web for the whole world to see. She probably already feels bad enough about the accident, her damaged scooter and her injury....yet you all have to go and preach to her like she is your plebe.

I realize I have not been on this board for years, like some of you, but I surely know that I have already figured out the tone of it and of some of you.

Bricheze, I hope you have not been deterred from posting by the badgering of this specific topic and continue to stay here and gain knowledge from all of the combined wisdom of the members here (and just ignore the ones that seem to talk AT you like they are your parents!).

Danny*h, thanks for your apology to her, you seem like a real stand up gentleman.
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scootinnc wrote:
Danny*h, thanks for your apology to her, you seem like a real stand up gentleman.
Well, I guess I must have stepped on someone's toes because I see my post got negative karma. But I felt it just had to be said.
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She can take the advice or ignore it. What's the big deal? Its a scooter forum and everyone's got an opinion. Doesn't mean anyone here actually has to take someone elses opinion and live by it.

I think she's a big enough girl to figure out how she wants to deal with her crash. And guess what... she's got her own set of parents. They ulitmately make a lot of those decisions and right now they probably make them more together than telling her what to do.

I think if she's reading these replies she's taking them with many grains of salt. And probably ignoring some as anyone would have a mind to do.

I like her spunk with the pouty face haha.

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I like the fact she's riding and is continuing (I hope ) to do so. Atta-girl, and I bet the scrapes are hurting even more now. Ouch!
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Me too Jim, me too.

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I think she is probably thinking damn who thought some pictures of some bloody wounds would bring out all these dirty old men....?
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Definately keep riding. Now that you have gone down, you have that out of the way and can focus on safety.
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peabody99 wrote:
I think she is probably thinking damn who thought some pictures of some bloody wounds would bring out all these dirty old men....?
ROFL emoticon

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Alice wrote:
peabody99 wrote:
I think she is probably thinking damn who thought some pictures of some bloody wounds would bring out all these dirty old men....?
ROFL emoticon
That is so funny I was thinking the same thing. ROFL emoticon
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I love skinning my knees, makes me feel like a kid again.

Until a few days later when the wound is weeping and I'm hobling around in agony. Then I feel old again. Crying or Very sad emoticon
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welcome to the club!

if your scooter is still alive you've won the game.

fyi; the picture is bad but not as bad as it could've been without a fullface/jacket/levi's.
Forum member supplied image with no explanatory text
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Desmolicious wrote:
Papa J wrote:

Every new generation needs to learn for themselves... Or how else do we move on IF SOMEBODY DOESN'T DO IT?
Did you never rebel against your parents? Not even a little bit?
No, Oh, O.K. fair enough.

So to sum up what I'm saying here is... Looks don't come into it, she is a young girl who learned a lesson for herself & her peers and she's is O.K.

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Pwright45 wrote:
welcome to the club!

if your scooter is still alive you've won the game.

fyi; the picture is bad but not as bad as it could've been without a fullface/jacket/levi's.
you took a bad hit to the face it seem, I;m glad your ok. can you tell me if the helmet was fitted propely for you. I know mine was not and I had to go down two sizes
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peabody99 wrote:
I think she is probably thinking damn who thought some pictures of some bloody wounds would bring out all these dirty old men....?
that was also my thinking Nerd emoticon
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Pwright45 wrote:
welcome to the club!

if your scooter is still alive you've won the game.

fyi; the picture is bad but not as bad as it could've been without a fullface/jacket/levi's.
ouch... - a fullface it is then. Glad to hear that you were okay.
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Pwright45 wrote:
fyi; the picture is bad but not as bad as it could've been without a fullface/jacket/levi's.
Just curious - if he was wearing a full face helmet then why is his face bleeding like that? I'll admit to a fair few accidents in my time but I've never ended up looking like that in my open face helmet. What exactly happened?
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175mws wrote:
you took a bad hit to the face it seem, I;m glad your ok. can you tell me if the helmet was fitted propely for you. I know mine was not and I had to go down two sizes
my full face was snug as a bug, just the visor popped off during the 50mph collision which lead to the lacerations you see. the ct showed only a mild concussion, broken nose and glass fragments in my cheek. as I said before though, a broken nose & few stitches in the cheek isn't even comparable to facial reconstruction.
road rash isn't a joke though, I hope you heal quickly.
fun facts; I had a first aid kit, cpr mask & shock blanket in my topcase that could've been used in place of my extra sweat shirt. I strongly recommend to all of you if you carry any sort of first aid supplies to make them visible & accessible to the public. I'd try tying them to the rear rack (sure they might get stolen, but it's $10 for another and I doubt it'll happen often)
mike_bike_kite wrote:
Just curious - if he was wearing a full face helmet then why is his face bleeding like that? I'll admit to a fair few accidents in my time but I've never ended up looking like that in my open face helmet. What exactly happened?
if you dont believe it was a fullface look carefully at right cheek you'll see a blood line/red tint thats almost equal with the laceration and continues over to my left sideburn, thats were my fullface filled with blood before it was removed by a pedestrian. also you'll notice my grey undershirt/neck is fairly dry in comparison with my jacket (the blood flowed out of my visor, more so then down the neck) I had a front latch fullface on, it did its job. I tried to clean my fullface so I could wear it again, but because it was a latch front alot of blood got into the space between the inner/exterior shells & smelled horrid even after 3 thorough washes.
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Pwright45 wrote:
welcome to the club!

if your scooter is still alive you've won the game.

fyi; the picture is bad but not as bad as it could've been without a fullface/jacket/levi's.
Wha? emoticon Aiya, that looks painful, nasty spill.
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175mws wrote:
Alice wrote:
peabody99 wrote:
I think she is probably thinking damn who thought some pictures of some bloody wounds would bring out all these dirty old men....?
ROFL emoticon
That is so funny I was thinking the same thing. ROFL emoticon
So was I.
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Pwright45 wrote:
mike_bike_kite wrote:
Just curious - if he was wearing a full face helmet then why is his face bleeding like that? I'll admit to a fair few accidents in my time but I've never ended up looking like that in my open face helmet. What exactly happened?
if you dont believe it was a fullface look carefully at right cheek you'll see a blood line/red tint thats almost equal with the laceration and continues over to my left sideburn, thats were my fullface filled with blood before it was removed by a pedestrian. also you'll notice my grey undershirt/neck is fairly dry in comparison with my jacket (the blood flowed out of my visor, more so then down the neck) I had a front latch fullface on, it did its job. I tried to clean my fullface so I could wear it again, but because it was a latch front alot of blood got into the space between the inner/exterior shells & smelled horrid even after 3 thorough washes.
Sorry - didn't realise it was you in the photo and I certainly don't disbelieve you but I am just curious to what actually caused the cut it the first place. It seems a very unusual injury considering the main point of a FF is to protect the face! Was it the visor disintegrating which then cut into you? Did the helmet fail in some way?

It would be nice just to have a little more info to go with the photo. Hope you're all patched up now.
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Benito wrote:
175mws wrote:
Alice wrote:
peabody99 wrote:
I think she is probably thinking damn who thought some pictures of some bloody wounds would bring out all these dirty old men....?
ROFL emoticon
That is so funny I was thinking the same thing. ROFL emoticon
So was I.
It reminds me of Lisa Kelly in "Ice Road Truckers Alaska" She once broke down with a fuel line problem and all of the guys who normally would be reluctant to stop and help another trucker (especially if someone else had already stopped to help) were lined up and down the tundra road helping her Laughing emoticon
Lisa Kelly and her rig star in 'Ice Road Truckers Alaska.'
Lisa Kelly and her rig star in 'Ice Road Truckers Alaska.'
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mike_bike_kite wrote:
Sorry - didn't realise it was you in the photo and I certainly don't disbelieve you but I am just curious to what actually caused the cut it the first place. It seems a very unusual injury considering the main point of a FF is to protect the face! Was it the visor disintegrating which then cut into you? Did the helmet fail in some way?

It would be nice just to have a little more info to go with the photo. Hope you're all patched up now.
it just popped off whole on impact... it was in a single piece just not on my helmet.

and yes i'm perfect & in working order i just like to poke fun at my failures.

honestly now that you mention it i dont think my helmet was in any of the pictures a pedestrian took of the accident i just remember waking up in the hospital and it was bagged next to me with my cut up jacket/levi's & wallet.

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peabody99 wrote:
I think she is probably thinking damn who thought some pictures of some bloody wounds would bring out all these dirty old men....?
I resemble that remark Razz emoticon
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This is a late: Hope you Heal Fast! Interesting to read all of the responses...

I have a Motorport Kevlar Jacket and I spent the extra $$ on the Kevlar Over-Pants. I find the over-pants bulky and I look like a Power Ranger. Thank you for braving the responses and posting your photos. I know Jeans just do not cut it....Going to look at a dragging Jeans product or wear my bulky over-pants...

Hang in.


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Pwright45 wrote:
if you dont believe it was a fullface look carefully at right cheek you'll see a blood line/red tint thats almost equal with the laceration and continues over to my left sideburn, thats were my fullface filled with blood before it was removed by a pedestrian
First off I'm glad that you walked away from this one OK (comparatively anyway) as it looks like it could have been a lot worse.

I was interested to read that a pedestrian removed your helmet as I thought that is one of the worst things you can do after an accident unless it's EMS personnel doing it. I have been told that pulling off a full face helmet could do even more damage to possible head or neck injuries then just leaving it on until the medical people are on scene.

Maybe one of the members here that have medical experience can comment on this and confirm whether a helmet should be removed by untrained people or left for the pros to deal with.

Does anybody else have one of these medical information carrier labels on their helmets? I got them from Whitehorse gear and have one on all my helmets (I got it mainly because I am diabetic), but it says on this to not remove the helmet because of the danger of paralysis. FWIW, I think this is the best couple of bucks of worth of stuff I have bought for riding.

External inline image provided by member with no explanatory text
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scoot_in_VA wrote:
Maybe one of the members here that have medical experience can comment on this and confirm whether a helmet should be removed by untrained people or left for the pros to deal with.
If the person is unconscious and not breathing then the helmet has to be removed in order to perform CPR. It takes two people to take off a helmet reasonably safely - one to support the neck, the other to do the actual removal.

If the person is conscious - leave the helmet on!

Here there is a first aid course available called FBOS - First Biker On Scene. Very useful even for those who may have already got other first aid training.
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I did a little drop myself last week, bruised some ribs my feelings and put some boo boo's on my scoot.

Glad your ok. Sounds like the scooter is ok too. I'm waiting for the end of the season to put mine in the shop. I've gotten over riding it with dents and scratches, how easily we adjust.........

A few days will let you know just how bad it is. Dirt, gravel scary...
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Full face helmet question
Pwright45, what brand/model of helmet were you wearing?

This is an extremely unusual injury for a full face helmet.

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were you using anykind of glasses at time of impact?
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scoot_in_VA wrote:
I was interested to read that a pedestrian removed your helmet as I thought that is one of the worst things you can do after an accident unless it's EMS personnel doing it. I have been told that pulling off a full face helmet could do even more damage to possible head or neck injuries then just leaving it on until the medical people are on scene.
Maybe one of the members here that have medical experience can comment on this and confirm whether a helmet should be removed by untrained people or left for the pros to deal with.
yes you are correct. don't remove the helmet at minimum until the neck is stabilized and never move him unless absolutely necessary (ie; danger, cpr). The pedestrians at my accident did remove my helmet because I was chocking on blood/gurggling & dragged me 10ft and sat me up against my scooter. Because of their actions (sitting me up) I did go into severe hemorrhagic shock and lost consciousness. However, they meant well... can I really be mad at them for trying to help? either way thank god they at least called 911. also their protected to an extent by the good Samaritan act. and No I never had the label on the helmet and if you do have such a label, remember to make it visible.

no I was not wearing glasses, Just driving 50mph(speed limit)on surface streets after excitting the freeway, van cuts in front of me to make & right hand turn and slams on her brakes boom! crash! I flew over the handlebars, visor popped off i went through the back window of a minivan. fell back down to the concrete after being dragged (female minivan driver got scared & punched the gas after impact) in and out of consciousness but I'm told by the other driver & witnesses that a man & his son came over to help me, sat me up removed my helmet, dragged me 10ft back to the where my scooter was and I sat there until ems arrived. meanwhile an african american couple pulled over, got the minivans info who had pulled over 80 ft away, called 911 on my phone, then browsed my phone book and called my parents. tried to clean my face with a sweatshirt they found next to my scooter. ems arrived 10 minutes later, went to the er unconscious, got ct scan, then surgery to remove the glass & suture my face, woke up at 11pm that night on a spinal board in the ICU, transferred to med surg after my bp was stable, waited until Monday for an MRI to see if I had a fracture in both knee's because radiology was closed and "the CT of my legs were unclear". then 3 days after the MRI & having both legs immobilized I was released and when i asked the cops what happened they said it was a normal traffic collision and there were no witnesses despite the fact that the african american couple visited me in the hospital 2 days after the accident where they met thier parents & gave me the photo's..... So I cant exactly say It was a happy experience but I'm alive so yay!

does this explain everything? why are you guys so amazed that glass from a rear window pierced skin & that a cheap plastic visor popped off the helmet... it was 50 MPH
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Pwright45 wrote:
does this explain everything? why are you guys so amazed that glass from a rearview window pierced skin & that a cheap plastic visor popped off the helmet... it was 50 MPH
It makes sense now, I missed the part earlier I guess about you smashing through the rear view window.

Do you mind mentioning what helmet you used? I'm curious about the visor coming off.

Glad you survived.
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Desmolicious wrote:
Pwright45 wrote:
does this explain everything? why are you guys so amazed that glass from a rearview window pierced skin & that a cheap plastic visor popped off the helmet... it was 50 MPH
It makes sense now, I missed the part earlier I guess about you smashing through the rear view window.

Do you mind mentioning what helmet you used? I'm curious about the visor coming off.

Glad you survived.
i seriously dont know, it had a wing on it & some wierd designs despite it was overall black. it was a fliptop for $150/200 from either mission motorsports or vespa oceanside.
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I'd expect any visor would pop off or break with a 50mph impact.

Thanks for the details - and glad to hear you were helped.
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i'm tempted to delete my posts this got way of topic i appologize.
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They are a good reminder to all of us of what to do or not do if first on scene, so worth leaving in place IMHO.
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Pwright45 wrote:
Just driving 50mph(speed limit)on surface streets after excitting the freeway, van cuts in front of me to make & right hand turn and slams on her brakes boom! crash!

I flew over the handlebars, visor popped off i went through the back window of a minivan. fell back down to the concrete after being dragged (female minivan driver got scared & punched the gas after impact)

in and out of consciousness but I'm told by the other driver & witnesses that a man & his son came over to help me, sat me up removed my helmet, dragged me 10ft back to the where my scooter was and I sat there until ems arrived.

meanwhile an african american couple pulled over, got the minivans info who had pulled over 80 ft away, called 911 on my phone, then browsed my phone book and called my parents. tried to clean my face with a sweatshirt they found next to my scooter.

ems arrived 10 minutes later, went to the er unconscious, got ct scan, then surgery to remove the glass & suture my face, woke up at 11pm that night on a spinal board in the ICU, transferred to med surg after my bp was stable, waited until Monday for an MRI to see if I had a fracture in both knee's because radiology was closed and "the CT of my legs were unclear".

then 3 days after the MRI & having both legs immobilized I was released and when i asked the cops what happened they said it was a normal traffic collision and there were no witnesses despite the fact that the african american couple visited me in the hospital 2 days after the accident where they met thier parents & gave me the photo's.....

So I cant exactly say It was a happy experience but I'm alive so yay!
Good grief!!
Impossible to visualize this sort of thing happening, without your story
Thank you for sharing these details
You've done us quite a service
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