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I hit some good railroad track bumps during our local rally and the left mirror snapped (haven't been around until lately to fix) - I searched for a PX mirror thread and also checked out Wiki and wasn't able to come up with the thread - thought someone had fixed their's with a good weld and want to do the same. Anyone? Maybe I'll just go the leg shield route after the right one snaps off too
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this is a pretty common thing.
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ya, feels pretty similar to what I have read in the past - was hoping to find some pictures of a fix if they are out there... if not, not a huge deal as I'm actually starting to like using 1 mirror
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Geo-Vesp wrote:
ya, feels pretty similar to what I have read in the past - was hoping to find some pictures of a fix if they are out there... if not, not a huge deal as I'm actually starting to like using 1 mirror
Can you take a picture? Never seen one snap off.
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Wangta wrote:
Geo-Vesp wrote:
ya, feels pretty similar to what I have read in the past - was hoping to find some pictures of a fix if they are out there... if not, not a huge deal as I'm actually starting to like using 1 mirror
Can you take a picture? Never seen one snap off.
will do - just have to take the headset off and will likely fix this over the next week or so and will take some before's and after's
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Where on the stem did it break?
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about an inch from the big nut/thread thingy - have the mirror in my glovebox - will take a pic of it in about 10
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Here is a crap pic from my phone

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wtf is that?! The bolt snapped off?
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Ya, snapped right off/here is a shot of the whole mirror sans scooter

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I think I have a spare bolt assembly kicking around... if ya want it I can send it to ya?

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I just had one snap on the Buddy a few weeks ago. It looked like it was a flaw in the casting. Too bad too..it was the original shorty on a Vintage Buddy 125 (2006)
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Yeah, same on mine, left one too. Since I wasn't putting mirrors back on I left it for now, if I ever want to put them back on I;ll drill it out and re-tap,
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Looks better without the Mickey Mouse ears anyway.... Razz emoticon
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Provastian wrote:
Looks better without the Mickey Mouse ears anyway.... Razz emoticon

That's why took mine off. Took off the check stripe and got some ralley style ones too. Taking a ride tomorrow, will take some pictures.
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Provastian wrote:
Looks better without the Mickey Mouse ears anyway.... Razz emoticon
I agree.

I have these ugly-ass stupid-long mirrors that stick out further than the scoot. However, Its for purely practical reasons. I use them a lot in commuter traffic. I use to have the original mirror on it, but I got a nice view of my arm, and nothing else.

Whadda ya do?
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megnez wrote:
Provastian wrote:
Looks better without the Mickey Mouse ears anyway.... Razz emoticon
I agree.

I have these ugly-ass stupid-long mirrors that stick out further than the scoot. However, Its for purely practical reasons. I use them a lot in commuter traffic. I use to have the original mirror on it, but I got a nice view of my arm, and nothing else.

Whadda ya do?
ya, not a huge fan myself either but with one missing it seems like I'm riding around in a van gogh-ish style and it just looks not right having this big ol solo mirror sticking up all by itself. I either fix it or the right one is going too...
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Geo-Vesp wrote:
megnez wrote:
Provastian wrote:
Looks better without the Mickey Mouse ears anyway.... Razz emoticon
I agree.

I have these ugly-ass stupid-long mirrors that stick out further than the scoot. However, Its for purely practical reasons. I use them a lot in commuter traffic. I use to have the original mirror on it, but I got a nice view of my arm, and nothing else.

Whadda ya do?
ya, not a huge fan myself either but with one missing it seems like I'm riding around in a van gogh-ish style and it just looks not right having this big ol solo mirror sticking up all by itself. I either fix it or the right one is going too...
Take the right one off too! (spray painted hot/cold caps for a bathroom sink work great as plugs if you can't find anything else.)
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nigelthefish wrote:
Geo-Vesp wrote:
megnez wrote:
Provastian wrote:
Looks better without the Mickey Mouse ears anyway.... Razz emoticon
I agree.

I have these ugly-ass stupid-long mirrors that stick out further than the scoot. However, Its for purely practical reasons. I use them a lot in commuter traffic. I use to have the original mirror on it, but I got a nice view of my arm, and nothing else.

Whadda ya do?
ya, not a huge fan myself either but with one missing it seems like I'm riding around in a van gogh-ish style and it just looks not right having this big ol solo mirror sticking up all by itself. I either fix it or the right one is going too...
Take the right one off too! (spray painted hot/cold caps for a bathroom sink work great as plugs if you can't find anything else.)
thx for the plug idea - was wondering what I should try and come up with plug wise for the past few days as well...
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