Hey Rob,
This is an easy fix and doesn't require a ton of work. I did it and really spent more time going back and forth getting just the right clamp sizes(so don't do that part!
Basically all I did was this:
1. Take small pan or tray and put under cool bike.
2. Take off ALL THE CLAMPS. I found the OEM ones to be a bugger to try and take off the prescribed way, so I very gently wiggled the hose off the nipple and then squeezed it with my fingers allowing me to simply slide off the total OEM clamp. Much easier and didn't mean poking round rubber clamps with metal tools.
3. This will cause the fluid to drain out. It's not a ton, but enough to get your boots wet if you didn't have a pan.
4. Take these clamps(which if you did it with method #2, they're still in the prescribed diameter) to an auto store and get good screw clamps. I was able to buy a box of the small and box of large for under 10 bux. There's two identical size larger ones and one smaller one fyi.
5. Took it back. To make your life very simple, start with the clamp on the back(the smaller one), and put it over the hose first, just tightening it enough to make a circle. Then put the nipple on, slide the extended clamp down and tighten. Make sure to put the screw head facing to a point where you can easily adjust it with the other two clamps on(in case you need to remove it or adjust it later).
6. This can't be stated enough...DON'T OVERTIGHTEN! Simply make it "snug". About the same tension as say a very tight hand tightening.
7. Repeat with the two larger ones.
8. Open radiator cap and refill with 50/50 fluid mix(which btw you can also get at the auto store premixed).
I'll try some pics, but I'm not sure if I have any up close ones...