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WTF ...NEITHER driver stopped after they obviously ran over a body?

I can see getting hit by one douchebag in a thousand or whatever... but when 2 people don't stop, you gotta wonder....
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Poor guy. And Frak you Fraking Hateful Cagerguys. Mofos.

I was scooting down a 4-lane urban yesterday and a mofo moved over on me. Luckily I am quick on the brakes and bars, and swung left and back in a second. Honestly, be careful folks.
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Truely sad!!! The poor guy was here in Jacksonville from Egypt working on his MBA at the University.

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I hope they find these guys and run over them a few times. Luckily, jerks tend to know someone who's decent. So I suspect that someone will rat them out soon.

You should always stop in a hit and run situation, because the majority of the time they are not going to find you at fault. My preference though is to look more than 2 ft ahead of me, so that I don't run over bodies in the road Wha? emoticon
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This particular stretch of road in Jacksonville at night is pretty pitch black (a lack of street lamps and such) My own speculation is that alcohol played a role in the drivers making the choice of running.

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At least they have good descriptions of the vehicles. I hope they find 'em and I bet that they do.
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Rover Eric wrote:
WTF ...NEITHER driver stopped after they obviously ran over a body?

I can see getting hit by one douchebag in a thousand or whatever... but when 2 people don't stop, you gotta wonder....
That's what I was thinking too... deliberate? Who knows.
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How can anybody DO that? I mean really. I'm sure it was an accident but to just keep on going and not even stop to try to help the guy ... wow! I don't know how they can live with themselves!

What a waste. For the family's sake, I hope the police will find them and bring them to justice. Not much perhaps ... but it's something at least.
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TrafficJammer wrote:
How can anybody DO that? I mean really. I'm sure it was an accident but to just keep on going and not even stop to try to help the guy ... wow! I don't know how they can live with themselves!

What a waste. For the family's sake, I hope the police will find them and bring them to justice. Not much perhaps ... but it's something at least.
I don't know much about the law but I would think something like vehicular manslaughter or negligent homicide. Something along those lines... I would think that fleeing the scene would cause the judge/prosecutors to throw the book at them.
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Idiots in mirror are crazier than they appear!
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