Ok, I admit I haven't been on the MV website in awhile...., and I'm frustrated with some changes...or is it me that's changed?
Last summer I could search for my model of scoot and then problems/suggestions related to it. I have a copy of a carburetor/itemized compartment picture and instructions for checking the faulty vacuum tap,etc.....I can't find that info now. Am I hallucinating? Has the technical info been changed that much???
Last summer I got some good advice about my ET2 that was having intermittant starting problems. It finally refused to start no matter what I did and I had to walk it a dealer. They had it 3 months, borrowed my Haynes book, had ME order parts from another dealer (because they hadn't been to the Vespa repair school yet and didn't have a vendor #), etc, etc. I got it back in October, just in time for ice and blizzards....
It worked for about a month this spring, and now the same problem is happening. My neighborhood "kid" who works on quads/racing bikes is having as much luck fiddling with it as the "dealer" did, but we need more info. ACK!! Help, Please??