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'09 BV250, '02 ET2 '07 LX150
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Ok, I admit I haven't been on the MV website in awhile...., and I'm frustrated with some changes...or is it me that's changed?
Last summer I could search for my model of scoot and then problems/suggestions related to it. I have a copy of a carburetor/itemized compartment picture and instructions for checking the faulty vacuum tap,etc.....I can't find that info now. Am I hallucinating? Has the technical info been changed that much???
Last summer I got some good advice about my ET2 that was having intermittant starting problems. It finally refused to start no matter what I did and I had to walk it a dealer. They had it 3 months, borrowed my Haynes book, had ME order parts from another dealer (because they hadn't been to the Vespa repair school yet and didn't have a vendor #), etc, etc. I got it back in October, just in time for ice and blizzards....
It worked for about a month this spring, and now the same problem is happening. My neighborhood "kid" who works on quads/racing bikes is having as much luck fiddling with it as the "dealer" did, but we need more info. ACK!! Help, Please?? Goofy emoticon
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I'm not sure what you're remembering, but I'm happy to help you find it.

Search is useful only for specific keywords. Because there are so many posts, I don't think what you're thinking of was the search function.

There's the Technical Library, which has a number of articles that are of general interest. There's also the Readme1st ! : Modern Vespa Wiki, which has broader selection of items, including the Model Directory. Perhaps one of those is what you're remembering?
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technical confused
Thanks for trying to help me out.
It had to be the technical library. I remember ther was a discussion about the fuel over-filling and needing to avoid this, and what to do to see if this is why the scoot won't start (evaporator hose maybe?). There were lovely pictures of where the hoses were and how to disconnect, etc. Teh only picture that remains in my manual is the picture of the evalorator hose removed.
I know I was having trouble with my ET2 having starting problems. People sent me to the library to reference the postings of how to do things, but I don't see any of it in the DIY section or the Wiki.
Unfortunately the "Vespa mechanic" that worked on my scoot removed most of the info I had collected when i got my Haynes book back.
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This would be a good place to start:

Scooter Won't Start, Hard Starting, Rough Idle, or Stalling
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Yikes! I must be really tired. I just looked at my post and realized how un-readable it is. (Sorry) It should read "The only picture that remains in my "manual" is the picture of the evaporator hose removed from the fitting".

Maybe I should follow up on this when I'm more awake!
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