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So I have my GTS 125 for over half a year now and I love it! Spent a great summer riding around London and english countryside - 5,000km on the clock

In fact loving it so much, I wouldn't mind upgrading to a stronger model for the next summer. The main reason being - I want to go for a long trans-european ride (dream of my life). I've got many great mountain passes in mind and I feel that my 125 could be quite underpowered for this type of adventure. And overall, I feel more confident now and want to climb a bit higher on the power ladder.

When I was buying my 125 beginning of this year, I haven't done my homework properly and bought it from a crap dealer who cashed the money and never helped me with anything afterwards - yep, BMG scooters in Richmond, thanks for everything you haven't done for me!

Now, I want to start properly and ask you guys before taking any actions.

- Who are the best rated dealers in London? (place where I could get a test ride preferably)
- What is the best way to sell my current GTS 125? - is that something that the dealer could help with? I noticed that many dealers sell older scooters.
- Price difference between GTS 250 and 300 super is currently only £200. Which one would go for?

Thank you for all your ideas
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First things first, have you got a full licence? Without that you're stuck with 125's, and can't ride abroad anyway.

I'd happily buy from either Scooterworld or CBS Whitton - both of them will do a PX quite happily, both are good on service.

As for 250/300 choice - there are lots of topics on here discussing just that! It seems that if you ride for the ride then the 300 is the choice, but if you are more concerned about looks and extras then the 250 is the one.
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Pure envy from this side of the pond. I spent three years stationed in Germany and would love to return to do a scooter tour! What is the culture of scooter/motorcycling touring in the EU? Every weekend the scenic highways around here fill up with mostly touring bikes, but was not sure if this was a strictly North American thing or not.

It shouldn't come as a surprise that I would go with the 300 if you have the extra 200 and choose your own accessories.
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'09 GTS 125cc Red Dragon
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'09 GTS 125cc Red Dragon
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jimc wrote:
First things first, have you got a full licence? Without that you're stuck with 125's, and can't ride abroad anyway.

I'd happily buy from either Scooterworld or CBS Whitton - both of them will do a PX quite happily, both are good on service.
Oh yes, I've got the full licence sorted.

Will start talking to Scooterworld and CBS to see how thay can assist me. Thankx
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I think there is a lot of scooter touring, particularly in the summer.

I am thinking of riding down to Greece (eek - perhaps a bit far) to attend a rally next year. You pretty much cut all the way along France, Germany, Italy and then Greece itself.

There is no reason why you can't tour with them but you'd have to find spots to sort out new tyres along the way.

Back on topic - Scooterworld are very nice, Harlekino, but I'm a bit biased as they've been my dealer for years. I would recommend them since they give a good discount to a long term customer and have always been reliable.
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I can also recommend Scootech on Roman Road. I know and trust their mechanics and they've always been really nice to the east London MV crew.

you should be able to trade your present scooter against the value of a new GTS. you may be able to get a little more selling it yourself on ebay or gumtree, but there is a certain amount of hassle involved in that, which you may want to avoid.

personally i would go for the 250 if i was buying within the next few months - the 300 has some issues, mostly to do with build quality, which haven't been quite worked out yet.
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'09 GTS 125cc Red Dragon
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voneschenbach wrote:
Pure envy from this side of the pond. I spent three years stationed in Germany and would love to return to do a scooter tour! What is the culture of scooter/motorcycling touring in the EU? Every weekend the scenic highways around here fill up with mostly touring bikes, but was not sure if this was a strictly North American thing or not.
To be honest, I'm avoiding Germany... I'm aiming for south - Spain, France, Italy, that's where the scooter is at home.

But in this forum, I've seen several awesome roadtrips on Vespas across various US states that make me jealous. You've got great opportunities over there
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Oh and since the scooter is near new - sell it yourself on gumtree. The PX offered by dealers is never as good as they price you get yourself.

I sold my LX for a few hundred pounds loss - if I had taken the PX it would have been £1000. I went around the whole of London scooter dealers and the PX price was remarkably similar everywhere.
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'09 GTS 125cc Red Dragon
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genie wrote:
you should be able to trade your present scooter against the value of a new GTS. you may be able to get a little more selling it yourself on ebay or gumtree, but there is a certain amount of hassle involved in that, which you may want to avoid.
I thought so, it'll be probably easier to deal with people who I am buying a new bike from. I'll see what offer they will come up with. Thanks for the advice.
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'09 GTS 125cc Red Dragon
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Wonder Machine wrote:
Oh and since the scooter is near new - sell it yourself on gumtree. The PX offered by dealers is never as good as they price you get yourself.

I sold my LX for a few hundred pounds loss - if I had taken the PX it would have been £1000. I went around the whole of London scooter dealers and the PX price was remarkably similar everywhere.
Oh, good advice... I noticed the prices of my GTS 125 went up quite rapidly after I bought it... certainly an opportunity to sell it close to its original price... it is in "like new" condition anyway. Thankx
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Noooo - sell it yourself
The money you get is much better. Not too much of a hassle, mine sold in two days via gumtree.

You would then have more in your pocket, probably something in the region of £500 and likely extra than a dealer can give you.

Its near new, not dropped, good paint, and under warranty. Even in this terrible economy someone will drop £2500 on it. Only PX if you can find no one to buy it from you.

- edit I posted this before your last response!!
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if you do go the sell-it-yourself route here are a few threads that may help:

Question about selling the scoot...

Selling to a private party

How do you sell something online?
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