The Host with the Toast
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The Host with the Toast
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So I'm sitting at work today and a jackass sits next to me and starts to surf rotten.com he made it a point to try and show me every motorcycle picture of gore that he could find. you know the kind that are really bad. why must people do this crap.
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Gobshite Shiva
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Gobshite Shiva
@genie avatar
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because they're sh*t scared to ride themselves, jealous that you're not, and want to try and spoil your fun any way they can? that's just my guess.

if you can find a site with gory pictures of people who have dropped dead of heart attacks/aneurisms/strokes/electrical shocks whilst sitting at their computer terminal i'd suggest you retaliate with that.
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The Hornet (GT200, aka Love Bug) and 'Dimples' - a GTS 300
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Send him an email with a link to the "Don't text and drive" film.

The Host with the Toast
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The Host with the Toast
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good one I just busted him watching porn on his Iphone
@menhir avatar

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Re: (Rant) some asshat at work
175mws wrote:
So I'm sitting at work today and a jackass sits next to me and starts to surf rotten.com he made it a point to try and show me every motorcycle picture of gore that he could find. you know the kind that are really bad. why must people do this crap.
good one I just busted him watching porn on his Iphone
I think you may have found the answer to your own question.
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Don't listen to that guy!
Porn on an iphone. Yeesh, have the decency to practice indiscretions at home. Steve Job's nose must be bleeding somewhere.
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