On my way home from the bank, the bike loses all power, makes a loud exhaust noise. I coast to the side of the road and try to get it to restart, but no luck. The engine spins freely, as if there was no compression. Fortunately, this happened about a mile from home, so I push the scooter. (Actually a couple of folks stopped to see if I needed help, which was nice!)
I check out the bike in my garage and the spark plug slips out of its hole. The threaded are filled with traces of the head, so the hole it definitely stripped. The bike is about a year old, with 2k on it, so the plug is original.
Any advice as to (1) why this happened and (2) the best way to fix it? My guess is that it was overtightened or cross threaded at the factory and just gave out now. Does someone sell an insert to repair the threads? A new head seems like an expensive fix. Has anyone tried to drill out the hole and tap it for a larger diameter plug? (Like the one on my 10 year old, $100 lawnmower that has never been changed or given me problems!)
I am frustrated, but also happy that it did not happen at the top of Mt. Hamilton a few weeks ago. Advice is appreciated!