Riding back home after visiting my parents last night, I'm puttering at about 100km/hr in the right hand land of the QEW. As I come up behind a minivan who was stradling the lane markers I went to flash my high beams to wake him up and choose a lane.
I hit the flash, and all of a sudden the headlights shut off, the dash goes dark, suspension lock light starts beeping, ignition cuts out and I start coasting at highway speed. Was able to turn on the flashers and cut over to the shoulder safely (but scared the hell out of my GF on the back)
By the time I had slowed to a stop the engine had restarted itself (clutch still engaged I guess).
I tried the headlight flash once again at the side of the road - which seemed as good as hitting the kill switch. So I shut the ignition off altogether, gave it a 5-count and restarted it again and everything seemed back to normal.
Anyone had this happen before? Suffice to say I'll get Blackie back to the dealer for a quick check sometime soon. Would an event like this be captured in the ECU?