Macs wrote:
Ok...I'm the first to admit I'm new at I'm going to apologize if you've had this discussion before...Do people, strangers, pedestrians etc...sit on your scooter when it's parked? Do they engage your turn signal, headlight and kill switch?
Happened to me and wow...people have nerve. Should I put a coin receptacle next to my scooter like the children's rides in the supermarket? Is this something to worry about? Maybe I'm being too sensitive...
Great forum by the way.
Great timing on this topic. I just got back from a ride and noticed my 03 ET4 had some bad scuff marks on the left cowl. There was not a mark on it until today. While I was parked, apparently someone decided to "throw a leg over" and nailed the cowl when they did so. Sadly, they could have stepped through but didn't.
Most of the scuff was from a rubber sole and I could remove it; the underlying paint knick underneath, not so much. The scoot is silver and it really shows. It makes me sick that a 6+ year old vehicle could have such immaculate paint until today. I realize what's done is done and it's either ride it and have fun or just admire it in the garage. I guess the rule of thumb is if you are going to be in a public place, anything and everything is potentially fair game. Oh, and I've only owned my scoot for two months. (end of rant)