I really appreciate your advice.
I will depend on this site for guidance when I buy.
Absolutely no FOMO. Nada. Zilch.
Already had 3 scams, including two on this site. Someone trolling me now.
This guy was so nice. His father was a motorcycle cop, bought this when he retired. Dad just passed and he inherited it.
Up to date pink slip. Started quickly. First gear was smooth. Very nice scooter.
We got along great. His wife was waiting to make sure I was legit.
We talked a bit and he said let's reconnect, and I can make him a fair offer.
If this is the wrong scoot for me I'm totally cool to pass, but if your thoughts change after this follow up please let me know. Is there a price that makes this good for me? $2,200-$2,300? Or is it just the wrong scooter for me?
More photos attached.