I may be a little spoiled as my first experience with scooting is my 2009 Genuine Motors Buddy 125cc. It has a standard Stebel horn (loud!), loud blinkers that help me remember to turn them off, and I can store a lot of 'stuff' under the seat and in the open compartment under the handles that easily stores large water bottles so they won't swing and hit my legs.
Now I have a 2007 GTS 250ie and while it's a marvelous, wonderful piece of machinery, and I really do LOVE it a LOT; I'm almost scared to use the underseat as it gets very hot. What do some of you put in there and not worry about? I'm getting a top case, but hate to lose out by not using the underseat area too. My makeup melted, my rainclothes get very hot, and they can melt, can't put my lunch in there as I don't want it hot. Am I just freaking out over nothing? what should really go in there?
I'm now getting a Stebel horn, and am seriously considering noisy blinkers. At the cost of Vespa's, I'm quite surprised that they didn't at least put a loud horn in. ? Do they think since we afforded a Vespa, we'd better be prepared for a bunch of other expenses? Will I have a lot of expenses, even if everything goes well in riding?
? Over the winter, if I start it once a week and ride maybe once a month when it's dry outside, is that enough to make it through an Oregon winter?
I realize I must sound like a little dummy; I guess in a way I am. I want to be the best Vespa owner possible, and it's all up to me to take care of this. What I read from so many of you is thorough, full of experience, and I welcome and hope you'll be kind in your remarks. I grew up changing my own oil in all my cars; so I now have a Vespa manual, and maybe I could do that with the Vespa too, though I have no problem letting the Vespa people do that and all other maintenance.
Thanks for reading and replying,
Sign me, a comfortable 'freshman' scooterist - jumping up to Senior year and wondering if I can make it through. :javascript:emoticon(''))