So, in the year I've owned my P200, I've done little to really understand it. I've replaced gaskets in the carb and cleaned it a few times, replaced the fuel line, changed bulbs, etc.
Its not running well right now, unfortunately.
So I need to suck it up, stop procrastinating, and get in there. The problem: I have no freaking clue what I'm doing. If I knew what the hell was happening I could figure out how to fix it. Diagnosis is my problem.
So maybe y'all could help me out?
Here's the deal:
1 - Runs rough
It vibrates a lot, and just feels rough. I can no longer get up to 35mph in 3rd like I use to be able to do. Its sluggish.
2 - It's taking more effort to get it started.
It takes 4-5 kicks... then I have to give it stupid amounts of throttle to get it going. When I do this, it hesitates about a second before the RPMs get up to where it should. Does that make sense?
3 - Oil leak?
There's grimy oil residue on the floorboard. This is a recent occurrence.
4 - Low top speed
Can't get it over about 50. Even then, I feel uncomfortable because I know its struggling.
5 - increased smoke
Its been smoking more recently then it has before.
I'd like to get it to the point where I could take it on long trips. That's not going to happen right now.
I have very little time right now. I won't be able to touch it until next week, but that gives me time to order parts if need be.
Thanks everyone.