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I removed disc brake caliper tonight on a PX200E, pumped brakes and only one piston pushed out. I take it the other piston is seized - daft fkin question.

Anyone know how to unseize a piston and how do I push the working piston back in so I can get the brake pads back in. At least before this the front brake still slowed the scoot down...not anymore.....

It's just one setback after another with this scooter, my head is down right now. Crying or Very sad emoticon I hope I don't need to replace caliper, they're not cheap and I can't find any salvaged one's on fleabay. Never mind all the other shit I have to buy to get it roadworthy.

I've got a shopping list for scooter rally in Aberfoyle tomorrow, I'm hoping a new caliper isn't going to be an addition to the list.. FFS
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I'm trying to remember from working on the Range Rover ages ago... I think if you remove the caliper from anywhere where the disk might get contaminated (and of course remove the pads from it), but leave the caliper hooked up to the brake line, then soak the piston in WD-40. Let it soak good and long. Then use the brake lever... really squeeze that mother, and it will probably come unstuck.

Again, be careful not to contaminate any actual "brake" surfaces with WD-40 otherwise you'll have other stopping problems Razz emoticon
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Get yourself a suitable size G/screw clamp from Home Base, B n Q, 99p shop.

Use that to pull the working piston back into the brake caliper. Use the clamp to hold the good piston in place. Pump the stuck piston out gently using the brake leaver. Give it a clean with WD40 , bit of rag, old toothbrush. Fine wet n dry paper if needed.

Try not to pop the piston right out, can be a pain getting them back in.
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louispain wrote:
Get yourself a suitable size G/screw clamp from Home Base, B n Q, 99p shop.

Use that to pull the working piston back into the brake caliper. Use the clamp to hold the good piston in place. Pump the stuck piston out gently using the brake leaver. Give it a clean with WD40 , bit of rag, old toothbrush. Fine wet n dry paper if needed.

Try not to pop the piston right out, can be a pain getting them back in.

It helps to have someone else watch to make sure you don't pop the piston out, it really is a motherfucker to get them back in.
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Thanks for the heads up people. Was feeling a bit negative yesterday. Managed to sort it out with a g clamp. Unstuck the piston, cleaned them both up and stuck in a new set of pads. All done.. Now stops on a sixpence
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