Good news, I traded up for the used (2007) GT 200 today, per this thread: Ready to upgrade! (Post 733284) LOVE it!
Except that 2/3s of the way home from the dealership (nearly 30 miles away), I notice the temp guage is in the red. I stop, call, check the antifreeze levels, all is fine. They think I can gently ride it the rest of the way home.
It didn't feel really hot, but my husband googled while I was on the way home and told me a fan should have come on when I got too warm, and no fan came on. I can SEE the fan in the side vents, but it is not rotating.
I checked the fuses. All are okay.
Next thing my DH will try to get to the fan and see if it's getting power. The dealership wants me to ride it back in the morning, but I'm nervous that I will damange it as it overheats. I guess I could leave hours early and plan stops along the way, but it only took 10 minutes to get back into the red this afternoon on a test ride down my block.
We have a trailer, but we can't figure out how to tie it down correctly, unless someone can point me to a diagram or something.
I was SO excited to have my new scoot, and then this! Any suggestions will be appreciated.