In my opinion, Karma is nothing more than the Law of Reciprocity. "What you sow, so shall you reap." Or, "What goes around comes around." Or, "No misdeed goes unpunished, no good deed goes unrewarded." Ad finitum, ad nauseam. Mystics call Karma the "Wheel of life." We here at MV, on the other hand, use it as more of a scoring device.
I also feel the computer programers among us probably have a better handle on it than most. They would know that nature, like Windows Vista, abhors a vacuum, and that the Great Programer of the Universe knew it to. Light must have dark, good must have bad.
So, in conclusion, I feel that Bill and Ted summed it up best when they said, "Be excellent to one another."
I need to go lay down. I have a headache.