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I've worn 3/4 helmets for most of the 8 years of riding I've done. I generally get a new faceshield about every 6 months or so, because despite trying to be very careful with them, just riding as often as I do causes enough scratches to be a problem at that point. I have been known to don a fullface for really crappy or cold weather, but I don't currently have one, and it's just not in the budget at the moment.

A local powersports shop recently recommended I try a new anti-fog shield they'd just gotten in, and gave me a slight discount on the grounds that I come back and give them a review to tell other customers. Used it a few months, very satisfied with it, and not a drop of fog ever formed even on damp chilly mornings.

Saturday was different.

It was fairly chilly and wet most of the day, and I took a passenger and followed another rider down into Englewood/Denver for the Monster Ride. It was raining on the way back, and getting colder. I didn't really want to stop and wait, because I knew it would just continue to get colder and dark, and as my Corazzo is having a zipper repaired, I basically didn't have proper colder weather gear.

I don't know what the hell was up with my faceshield, but I could barely see 15 feet in front of me with it on. Wiping it did absolutely no good. It fogged up horribly. I had to pull over several times just to calm down from the stress. This was the first time I'd ridden this particular scooter in real rain, I had a passenger, and I was soaked and cold. Add the fact that I couldn't see, and everything else was 100 times worse. I finally ended up taking the shield off and just going with clear goggles. They didn't fog, and while it seriously sucked to get pelted in the face with rain when I had to hit over 60mph, at least I could see.

I don't know what brand this shield is, but I'll ask the shop and definately tell them it's a deathwish in bad weather. I've never paid attention to shield brand names before, but I've also never had one this dangerous in the rain. Does anyone here have good experience with a particular brand of standard 3/4 shield in the rain? I prefer the kind that can flip up and down.
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Have you looked into putting any kind of "de-fog" solution on your facesheild? (e.g for cars).

May help with keeping it from fogging up or at least not as fast.
Good old pep boys should have.
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That's part of the problem, ironically. This particular shield actually came with that stuff already on it. It either wore off and has extremely crappy plastic underneath it, or something else is seriously wrong with it. All the other faceshields I've had never had any anti-fog stuff on them, and while they did occasionally fog, they didn't make my vision nearly as bad in the rain. And I've never had another faceshield that didn't clear up a least a little bit when I wiped it with my glove, so I really don't understand that. It's like the rain drops were glued to it or something.
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The problem with anti-fog treatments in my experience is that it requires constant maintenance, and never seems to be freshly applied when needed.
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I believe some of the "permanent" treatments are a type of water absorbing gel (hydroscopic?), kinda like disposable diapers use.
The fine layer does a fine job with mist and fog, but can be overwhelmed by large amounts of water.
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When I bought my shield, the dealer asked me if I wanted anti-scratch or anti-fog. They were available in either. I took the anti-fog and scratched the hell out of it. I am on my third one in as many years.

The coatings used on the shields are similar to the coatings offered on prescription lenses. They do wear off over time.

The fogging is probably more of an issue with a full face than a 3/4 face.
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I am surprised to hear a 3/4 fogs at all with all of the fresh air coming in the bottom. I know my FF Modular HJC Symax II fogs when stopped at lights. If I crack it open one detent, it doesn't fog much at all and it will be clear by the time I get to the other side of the intersection. Please pardon my ignorance of fog and 3/4's, my experiences are only with full-face type helmets.

Have you tried the different fog sprays or solutions over at webBikeWorld? Can you get a pin-lock type face amsk for your current helmet?

They did mention the HJC has a new modular that was much less expensive than the Symax II.
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I have an HJC IS 16... and I too see the fogging at intersections, also on the inner sunshade.

The biggest problem though is my glasses. They're anti reflective and I'm not sure I want to try Rain-X on them.
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Have you tried Cat Crap (I'm not joking).

Webbikeworld did a review. I use it and it's great. It's a soap/wax based product. A little goes a long way.


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I personally have not had good luck with rain-x on plastic. i find a clean work better than the sprays I have used. Rain-x/Fog-x works fine on glass in the cage.

I normally just use a clean microfiber cloth on the inside of the visor plastic and clean it with an eye glasses cleaner when it needs it. I use Flents WipeNClear and I got it K-Mart because I was there and it was there. I use it on my eyeglasses too.

I have used Novus Plastic Polish (#1 if I remember correctly) when I have light scratches. I use the #2 to remove or minimize large scratches and "dropped helmet" blemishes.
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Thanks for the input, folks.

Yeah, it does seem strange to some that a 3/4 faceshield can fog... but they will, under just the right conditions.

I think I'll just go back to a cheapo, non-coated shield, and do a little research into some of the products suggested. Maybe the problem is that the whole shield is coated with something, when it really only needs to be on the inside. It's still perfectly clear with very few scratches, so I'll keep it around in case I need one on a day the shops are closed.

Luckily, it doesn't rain that much around here. As I said, this was the first time I'd ever had to ride the Vespa in real rain, and I've owned it since the first week of November!
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Witch wrote:
Thanks for the input, folks.

Yeah, it does seem strange to some that a 3/4 face shield can fog... but they will, under just the right conditions.
Apparently the fog inducing air get trapped inside. I assume you cannot flip open the shield to release the trapped moisture?

Is it fogging while riding?... or just when stopped?
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Most of the time a 3/4 can get fogged is when you're at a stop. It's usually pretty easy to wipe away with a glove. My shield can be tilted/raised, although there's a few styles that can't. Either way, unless you're wearing very bulky gloves, you can usually still get your hand up under it.

This particular ride, it did fog a bit while I was actually riding. Although it might have been a combination of the high humidity, the spray all around me from other vehicles, and the fact that I was too scared to hit over 35 until I took the thing off. Not sure... lots of variables in play.
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DougL wrote:
Have you tried Cat Crap (I'm not joking).

Webbikeworld did a review. I use it and it's great. It's a soap/wax based product. A little goes a long way.


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+1 on Cat Crap
Here's an eBay link:

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I just noticed your avatar shows you have a windscreen. I wonder if the windscreen is not trapping the air and moisture in front of you. I don't currently have my windscreen on my bike.
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You've been around this site for way longer than I have and mean no disrespect by stating an obvious solution but casting all those concerns to the wind...

My FF helmet has a visor but I have never used it. I have a windscreen customized specifically for me and my specific setup.

A windscreen cut just below the eyes pushes all the rain (and bugs and other debris) up over your helmet and since its just below your eyes, you can see over it so the rain doesn't obscure your vision like it would if you were looking thru the windscreen. I've been using a windscreen like this for more than 5 years and have NEVER had anything hit me in the face, not even once. I would never have another bike without one. I ride my bike down to freezing and never really feel cold even though I have a relatively light jacket (no lining). The windscreen eliminates the windchill factor.

Your avatar shows a mid-sized windscreen. I've never riden a bike with one but most people comment that it pushed the wind into your chest and face.

Here's my orignal post on how I cut down the windscreen.

Tall Vespa Windshield Cutdown...

Lots of other posts out there as well if you search " windscreen and cutdown"

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TechGuy9707 wrote:
I just noticed your avatar shows you have a windscreen. I wonder if the windscreen is not trapping the air and moisture in front of you. I don't currently have my windscreen on my bike.
That might be a possibility. Because of the angle of the GTV mid screen, it shoots the wind more into my face, than over my helmet. The GTS mid screens are at more of a 45* angle, which probably helps the wind go a little higher.

Miguel-- I am definately planning to get the taller screen, and cut it down. Just need to aquire the funds first. That will be one of the 2 or 3 mods for this winter season that I haven't done yet.
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Witch wrote:
TechGuy9707 wrote:
I just noticed your avatar shows you have a windscreen. I wonder if the windscreen is not trapping the air and moisture in front of you. I don't currently have my windscreen on my bike.
That might be a possibility. Because of the angle of the GTV mid screen, it shoots the wind more into my face, than over my helmet. The GTS mid screens are at more of a 45* angle, which probably helps the wind go a little higher.

Miguel-- I am definately planning to get the taller screen, and cut it down. Just need to aquire the funds first. That will be one of the 2 or 3 mods for this winter season that I haven't done yet.
Cruise eBay, this site, CL, and perhpas a few others. You might get lucky and find one. Perhpas post a few "WTB GTV Tall..." ads. I've gotten a few hits on that - one was for a left reflector for a top case!! Ya never know what someone might have laying around collecting dust.
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I've heard good things about Cat Crap as well so I reckon it's worth a try. I've also heard a light coating of dish-washing detergent (and leaving it there to dry) works too, but I haven't tried it myself. Basically all anti-fog treatment will wear off over time so something cheap and easy to reapply is always good.
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My Scorpion FF helmet came with the anti fog coating. Scorpion recommended to blot the shield when cleaning rather than wiping, as the coating can and will come off.

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Open your visor!

With it being so wet there will be very little crap/dust in the air. So no problem there.

Stones flicked up? It is wet, you shouldn't be that close to the car in front anyway!!!

Eyebrows/eyelashes are remarkably efficient at dealing with rain/fog/mist.

Open your visor!
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Look at snowmobile helmets I have an electric heated shield.
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I tried a windshield/visor cleaner called All Kleer. I got it as a sample from Scooter Trap and so far I really like it. It helps with fogging and also improved the sheeting action for rain. It might be a cheap solution for you.

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I use the $7-$10 cheaper 5-button snap-on 3/4 face shields, and treat 'em in the winter once in a while with some of that wax anti-fog stuff (like Cat Crap). Usually works just fine..!
If I don't use the stuff sometimes the bottom of the shield will fog up from my breath when standing at a light. Clears up by itself tho after I start moving...
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pinlock works
Probably not available for a 3/4 helmet, but if you can get a Pinlock face shield, those really do work wonderfully. Since putting one on my Shoei, the only fog I have to worry about with that helmet is on my glasses.

I will say, though, that my inexpensive Gmax full-face seems to do a better job of keeping my glasses and face shield fog- free than the Shoei (without pinlock) did, though the real test won't be until winter comes here.
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