I've worn 3/4 helmets for most of the 8 years of riding I've done. I generally get a new faceshield about every 6 months or so, because despite trying to be very careful with them, just riding as often as I do causes enough scratches to be a problem at that point. I have been known to don a fullface for really crappy or cold weather, but I don't currently have one, and it's just not in the budget at the moment.
A local powersports shop recently recommended I try a new anti-fog shield they'd just gotten in, and gave me a slight discount on the grounds that I come back and give them a review to tell other customers. Used it a few months, very satisfied with it, and not a drop of fog ever formed even on damp chilly mornings.
Saturday was different.
It was fairly chilly and wet most of the day, and I took a passenger and followed another rider down into Englewood/Denver for the Monster Ride. It was raining on the way back, and getting colder. I didn't really want to stop and wait, because I knew it would just continue to get colder and dark, and as my Corazzo is having a zipper repaired, I basically didn't have proper colder weather gear.
I don't know what the hell was up with my faceshield, but I could barely see 15 feet in front of me with it on. Wiping it did absolutely no good. It fogged up horribly. I had to pull over several times just to calm down from the stress. This was the first time I'd ridden this particular scooter in real rain, I had a passenger, and I was soaked and cold. Add the fact that I couldn't see, and everything else was 100 times worse. I finally ended up taking the shield off and just going with clear goggles. They didn't fog, and while it seriously sucked to get pelted in the face with rain when I had to hit over 60mph, at least I could see.
I don't know what brand this shield is, but I'll ask the shop and definately tell them it's a deathwish in bad weather. I've never paid attention to shield brand names before, but I've also never had one this dangerous in the rain. Does anyone here have good experience with a particular brand of standard 3/4 shield in the rain? I prefer the kind that can flip up and down.